LARC Spring Picnic Reminder

irst off, wow—over 50 people attended Monday’s meeting! Here are some photos:

We also had a rare signing of our two Thursday night Net Control operators in the same place at the same time. Bob (NC8I), who does the Fusion Net (6:30pm) and Dan (WZ1P) who does the Trader’s Net (8:30pm).

Big thanks to George (KJ4UW) and Howard (K4THC) for sharing these pics!

The LARC Spring Picnic is ON!

Get ready for a fun Saturday (March 15th)! Our club picnics are always a blast—and educational too. We’ll have antennas set up with multiple operating locations, so you can sit down and make some contacts. HF propagation has been great this week, so expect some good QSOs!


📍 Colt Creek State Park
📍 16000 State Rte 471, Lakeland, FL 33809

💲 Entry Fee:

  • $3 if you’re alone
  • $4 for a carload


  • Park Opens: 8:00 AM (Come early if you’d like—coffee & donuts will be available!)
  • Lunch: ~11:30 AM (BBQ provided—bring a side dish and drinks)
  • Location: We have the Blue Heron Pavilion reserved all day, so feel free to stay until the park closes!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!