DMR Resources

DMR is one of the fastest growing areas of amateur radio today, and why shouldn’t it be? The arena can be entered inexpensively (a decent DMR H/T can be purchased for around $100.00, although the sky is the limit!) and we have some great DMR repeaters in our area. If you feel like spending a little more and getting a hotspot, it can open a whole new world…it’s like having a band opening all the time that you can work with an H/T.

Here are some resources from N4RTD, Russ Delaney’s presentation at the club meeting last Monday which he has graciously allowed me to use. If you’re interested in trying something new or just need a little help with DMR there are lots of folks who’d be glad to help. – (where you get your DMR ID) Once you get there, click on “Log In/Sign Up” at the left hand side of the screen towards the bottom of the black options bar. From here you can create an account and work through all of the prompts. You will get to a point where it will ask you to upload an official copy of your FCC license.  If you do not have an official copy of your FCC license, you may obtain one by going to the FCC website. – At this Web site, you will obtain an official copy of your FCC license.  This is needed for you to get your DMR ID at – If you’re still having trouble getting your DMR ID, this is the place to go for support during the process. – Yes, there is such a place, but no one is a dummy in DMR.  Just get on and start learning. – The Florida Digital Amateur Radio Network – DMR repeaters in our area and the talkgroups they support.

An additional resource would be a good video done by TheSmokinApe on YouTube.  This is a DMR for Beginners video and can be found at: