Christopher Costine, K4CLC, earned his General License this evening.
He is pictured here shaking hands with Patrick KI4CDY, with his son Chris Jr looking on. Ernie KG4YNI is on the right. Thanks to Christopher, the club now has a presence at the South Pole. Also present but not shown were VE’s Mike KT2T, George KI4NBE, and Bill KI4ZMV.
Patrick addressed several items of interest before the main speaker. These included the following.
- A 40 cup coffee pot was purchased for the clubs use during meetings and events.
- The Kathleen Historical Society will hold its annual fall event Nov 3. Club representation this year has not been confirmed. If you would like to man a booth for the club, please contact Rip AA4HT
- The Boy Scouts of America are looking for support for Lake Wales Jamboree. Please contact Charlie, KI4CRI for more information.
- MARS is looking for new members. Patrick has more information if you are interested.
- There will be Sky Warn classes held at Lake Alford November 8th from 7 to 9pm.
- The Christmas party will be held Monday, Dec 17. The cost will be same as last year, $9.00 per person, and deserts are welcome. Note, the Christmas party will take the place of the monthly meeting for December.
- We will be collecting food for VISTE at the November meeting. Peanut butter and tuna fish are good suggestions if you wish to participate, and clean plastic bags are always appreciated.
- The board is actively pursuing the interests of the club’s younger members and will form a committee seeking their suggestions.
- Roger and Ren reported on the need for candidates for one or possibly two positions on the board. If you are interested in serving on the board, contact either Roger or Ren.
- The speaker at next month’s meeting will be Mike Sinclair from Microsoft. More on this to follow.
- Tom Evans took names for a course on digital electronics that he plans to teach to club members next year. If you are interested, but were not present, you can contact Tom on Yahoo Groups.
The main speaker for the evening was Dan who presented a program on Dxpeditions, or what you can do at a reasonable cost, and with fifty pounds of gear, on an exotic island. The next scheduled trip is to Barbados Jan 29th to Feb 6th, and is already booked solid.