Tag Archives: 2023

Warrior Walk – Saturday October 14th


The 14th annual Warrior Walk 2023 will be Saturday, October 14th, 2023. Isn’t that a cool date and reminder that our Florida KIA are never forgotten?

We will continue to start at 09:00am with the ceremony located at 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr, Lakeland, FL.

LARC volunteers needed! Please email Bob Doherty at km4bao@yahoo.com or sign up at the October LARC meeting. Volunteers to arrive by 8:00AM and we should be finished around 11:00AM

September LWRA QRP Tailgate Sept 30, 2024

From our friends in LWRA:

September QRP News!

This month’s QRP event details have been released. It will be held Sat Sept 30th at Fort Meade Outdoor Recreation Area in Ft Meade. The Tailgate Tech will be Yaesu Fusion and Wires-X. Bring your Fusion radio as there will be a portable simplex Wire-X node for you to connect to at the park.

Come on down and enjoy Ham Radio in the shade of the park with us. Don’t forget your chair and your favorite drink. Talk-in will be the WC4PEM system and Polk’s newest Fusion only machine (147.270 -.600) located in Bartow

Hope to see you there!
John W4JFS

Idalia Information

With the Idalia incoming, here are some resources to find hurricane info via radio.  This by far is not an exhaustive list, but instead is a good  starting place. 

Web resources with links to net info and other helpful info:

https://polkares.org/ – Polk Ares, localized info for repeaters, Sandbags, and  other active info

https://hwn.org/ – Hurricane Watch Net, General info, link  on the left side for the HF net (Net Procedures)

DMR talk groups 3199 (Hurricane  Net)   and 3112 (General  Florida Group)

D-Star REF037A or REF037C are both general Florida groups and may be good sources of info

Wires-X (YSF) – 850FloridaPanhandle may have some info

LWRA QRP and Tailgate Tech August 26th 2023

From our friends at our sister club:


Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The next LWRA QRP information has been released! Our next fun get-together will be held at Crystal Lake Park in Lake Wales on the last Saturday of this month (Aug 26th) 9 am to noon. Our theme will be 10 meter operation, antennas, and radios! I will be taking check-ins that morning at our event on 28.325 USB. Technicians, this your section of the band that you can use too! If you have questions, please post in the comments below. Hope to see you there and get your check-in!

VE Report August 14, 2023

Congrats to Dan Prickett, KQ4KOR, on becoming a new Amateur Radio operator and passing both the Technician and General exams to become a new General Class Ham! This took place at this past Monday’s session on August 14, 2023.