general – Lakeland Amateur Radio Club Blog Tue, 03 Oct 2023 00:03:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 general – Lakeland Amateur Radio Club Blog 32 32 Its Picnic Time! Tue, 03 Oct 2023 00:03:32 +0000

What: LARC Fall Picnic

When: October 28th 8am – 2pm

Where: Colt Creek State Park (Mac Lake Picnic Area Screened Pavilion)

Why: Food, Fellowship, and Radio. Did some one say POTA?

Cost: $4 per vehicle (up to 8 people) park entrance fee

Park Info:

POTA info:

Warrior Walk – Saturday October 14th Mon, 02 Oct 2023 23:28:53 +0000 Announcement:

The 14th annual Warrior Walk 2023 will be Saturday, October 14th, 2023. Isn’t that a cool date and reminder that our Florida KIA are never forgotten?

We will continue to start at 09:00am with the ceremony located at 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr, Lakeland, FL.

LARC volunteers needed! Please email Bob Doherty at or sign up at the October LARC meeting. Volunteers to arrive by 8:00AM and we should be finished around 11:00AM

Idalia Information Mon, 28 Aug 2023 17:00:50 +0000 With the Idalia incoming, here are some resources to find hurricane info via radio.  This by far is not an exhaustive list, but instead is a good  starting place. 

Web resources with links to net info and other helpful info: – Polk Ares, localized info for repeaters, Sandbags, and  other active info – Hurricane Watch Net, General info, link  on the left side for the HF net (Net Procedures)

DMR talk groups 3199 (Hurricane  Net)   and 3112 (General  Florida Group)

D-Star REF037A or REF037C are both general Florida groups and may be good sources of info

Wires-X (YSF) – 850FloridaPanhandle may have some info

Lakeland Amateur Radio Club is meeting again! (Sort of) Sat, 11 Jul 2020 19:29:56 +0000 The LARC Board of Directors has decided to try a Zoom meeting for the general membership to be held at 7 PM on Monday, July 13th, the second Monday of the month.

For those familiar with the Zoom platform, this will be a piece of cake. If you have not used Zoom for meetings before, it is not too complicated, provided you follow a few basic guidelines.

There are many ways to join a Zoom meeting. Most smartphones have an app available if you wish to download it. This makes things a little easier. Tablets and notebook computers are also options. If you want us to see you, you have to have a camera; to be heard, you have to have a microphone. For this reason, many people choose to use their smartphone for Zoom. The downside is that you have to hold it in your hand or find a stable place to locate it. You will have to give the app permission to use your microphone and camera in some cases.

You don’t have to have an app. All you really need is an internet connection. The link is:

You will be prompted for a meeting ID, it is:    Meeting ID 839 298 4986

ProZoom requires me to require a password of you. The password, very highly secure, is:  LARC  (case sensitive) If that password doesn’t work, try: 378901

We plan to begin the meeting at 1900 hrs, as we normally do, but we will have the Zoom meeting set up 60-90 minutes in advance so you can get familiar with checking in and participating in the meeting.

Mike, N6MRS
