The last day to pay for the Christmas Party will be at the November 7th, 2011 meeting. The price is $9.00 per person, no refunds. No money will be accepted at the Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Christmas Party. This is a pre-paid event. Please bring the exact cash amount to the meeting. If you have any questions, contact Patrick.
We have been asked to try to increase our VISTE donations for the months of November and December. Please remember to bring a few goods to the meeting. The need this season is great, please try to help out our community.
Marvin and Bob Foxworth will be accepting our annual dues at the November meeting. Let’s try to get a head start on this.
If any member knows anyone who would like to take a weekend technician class, let Patrick know. There will be a local class during the weekend of November 5th and 6th, 2011.