We Are Moving!

As some of you already know, the Presbyterian Church where we have been meeting for years has been sold. We were informed Monday that it is being converted into a school for the handicapped, and that we would no longer be able to use this facility.
But don’t panic. We have made arrangements to hold our meetings for the next few months at a nicer, and perhaps more convenient location for some. The new venue will be the Community Southern Bank, 3340 S. Florida Avenue. Please note, there is another bank, on the West side of the street named Community Bank of Florida. We do not meet there. Our meeting place is the Community Southern Bank on the East side about a 1,000 feet further South.

This will be our new home, at least for the interim:

There are a few things you should know, and we will remind you again, but there is no time like the present to start. First, the meeting room is accessed through a door separate from the bank entrance. Second, please use the ample parking in the rear, not the front. Third, do not block the drive through teller, ever.

Need directions? Click Here