A new year is upon us, and like life, ham radio goes on. So what would you like to accomplish this coming year in this fabulous hobby of ours?

Work a contest? There are lots of them (and you can find them listed in the “Contest Corral” on the ARRL website).

Do some public service? (Here’s hoping as the world gets back to normal we get some events that need communication!)

How about becoming a Volunteer Examiner? It is extremely rewarding and the club can always use more (and you get to go to Scotland hihi)

How about EmComm? Organizations like ARES, Skywarn and CERT can always use more help.

Maybe it’s time for some new wallpaper in the shack. Have you got your DXCC (DX Century Club, for working 100 individual countries), WAS (Worked All States) or WAC (Worked All Continents), Certificate of Code Proficiency or any of the many operating awards that are available? The pursuit is fun, and getting that certificate up on the wall is a proud moment!
If none of these are your cup of tea, how about just being more active this year? There is a whole world of ham radio out there and many hams never scratch the surface. Be active on the air, be active in your club, be active recruiting and elmering new hams and just be active building up ham radio. Let’s make this coming year the best year ever in Amateur Radio!
Be sure to post your 2021 Ham Radio Resolution on the email list.
73 and Happy New Year from your friendly neighborhood blogger, AB4KA