Last June, our club lost a valued member and friend, Lee Hess, N4HES. His wife, Terrie, now needs to sell Lee’s ham radio equipment, and we’re coming together to help.
To assist her, LARC members Bob (NC8I) and Fred (K1DU) carefully went through all of Lee’s equipment, verified that it was in good working order, and cleaned everything up. Many items have already been sold, but there is still plenty of great gear available. It is priced to sell! Offers are also welcome.
100% of the proceeds from this sale go directly to Terrie. This is our way of supporting her and honoring Lee’s legacy in the ham radio community.
Here’s we need to sell
Kenwood TS-590S – $600. This is a 160m-6m transceiver with a built-in sound card for digital modes. This would make a great backup radio or something for a new-to-HF operator that wants to try FT8 or RTTY. The radio supports CAT Control as well asUSB, LSB, AM, CW, and FM.

Kenwood MC-60A Desk Microphone – $100

Kenwood SP-31 Speaker Cabinat – $100

Heil IC-BM Icom microphone – $90

Ameritron AL-811H – 800 watt amplifier. The four 811A tubes are in great shape and rated for full power. 10 meter operation is enabled. $600

If you’re interested in purchasing any of this equipment or would like more details, please contact Bob (NC8I) or Fred (K1DU). Both are good on QRZ. Make an offer!
Let’s help find good homes for Lee’s gear while supporting his family in the process.