No Meeting This July

Because Monday happens to fall on the Fourth of July, there will be no meeting this month. The next meeting will be August 1, 2011. Enjoy the Fourth!

Now, I know some of you just hate to miss a meeting for any reason whatsoever. I can understand that this may be disconcerting for some, but I have some good news. Since 1900 the the Fourth of July only fell on Monday 16 times, including this year. The next time this will happen will be in the year 2016. Ample time to plan. And, for those really really interested, the Fourth of July will also fall on a Monday in the years: 2022, 2033, 2039, 2044, 2050, 2061, and 2067. By this time most of us will be well into our hundreds. 🙂

Now that I have convinced most of you that I need to get a life, once again, Enjoy the Fourth! Bill KI4ZMV