The Florida Gulf Coast Amat eur Radio Council Presents:
ARRL West Central Florida Convention Second Largest Hamfest in Florida
Location: Agricultural Center Strawberry Festival Grounds,
2508 W. Oak Avenue Pl ant City, FL 33563
Date: December 11-12, 2015
Times: Friday, 1PM to 6PM—Saturday, 8AM to 4PM
Talk-in: 145.410 -, PL 131.8
For up-to-date information visit
LARC contact person for this event is Don Jeerings. See Don for advanced ticket sales.
The Hamcation 2016 will be February 12, 13, and 14.
The contact person for Hamcation is Bill Johnson. See bill for advanced ticket purchases, $13 each. Admission at the door will be $15.