First, our new hams and upgrades . . .
From left to right, Glenn, Sarah KM4EMT new Extra, Harold W4HKO new extra, Peggy VE Coordinator, Richard, and George.
Left to right, Glenn, James KM4SKR, new Tech, Victor KI4VNH new General, Peggy, Richard, and George.
Happy birthday!
LARC is now 40 years old. Young by most of our standards.
Charging right ahead
Our guest speaker, Tom Ruhlmann W9IPR did an outstanding job with a potentially less than electrifying subject. After his presentation, we are all charged, and ready for portable operation.
Matthew, NPOTA Success In Utah
(and a more understanding encounter of the green uniformed kind)
You can view Matthew’s presentation by clicking on the LARC Web Site button in the above menu, then the third item down, Presentations. Great job Matthew.
Almost A Full House
We had 52 attend the meeting this month. That is about average. As you can see, there are a few more seats. All are welcome.
That stranger in the front row is Carl Johnson, N3TJ. 🙂 Welcome back! We hope to see more of you at future meetings.