LARC Supplies Communication Support For Lakeland Warrior Walk 2017

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Roster Participants

Name Call Sign Assigned to
Bob Doherty KM4BAO/Net Control/Event HQ Anna Baker/Event HQ
Bill Johnson KI4ZMV Parking/Rover
Rich Kennedy N4ESS
Station B – S. Ingraham Ave
Fred Delaney K1DU Coca Cola Water Station #1 – E.Belmar St
Peggy Lang N4PEG Station A – Euclid Ave.
Sam Shaver N7CUC Parking/ Station D – Collins Lane
Bill Aten AD4AT Station C – E. Maxwell St
Ringo Breton K2TDR Gary Clark/Event HQ
*Mike Shreve N6MRS Mobile Unit/Transportation
Aimee & Liam Holzer KM4STT/KM4STS Station F- Crystal Lake Dr
Leon Holzer KM4STU Station E – Oaklawn Place
Mike Hildreth WA4ABN Coca Cola Water Station #2 – Lakeland Yacht Club Site
Stephanie Hildreth KK4RAH Jennifer Anderson/Event HQ
Roger Meadows AE4RM Event HQ – Lakeland PD contact 

A good deal of planning and support makes our participation in events like this go smoothly. A special thanks for Bob KM4BAO for being  net control, as well as to Rich N4ESS who supplied many of the images of this event. Once again LARC showed that it can get it together and do some good!