Once again LARC supported the March for Babies with both a donation and radio support.
Suited up and ready to walk! |
The participants this year were left to right Debbie Leahy, Bob Doherty, Bill Aten, John Leahy, Kenny Kozla, Rich Kennedy, and Sam Shaver. Not shown, because he is taking the picture is Bill Johsnon.
This years event was well attended. According to one count there were just over 1,000 walkers. As in past years, Publix was well represented. Kenny Kozla, one of LARC’s own is a proud Publix employee.
Assembly before the start of the march. Over 1000 participated. Photo by Bob Doherty. |
Fran and Jim Robinson with grandson Avery. |
This year I had a bit of a surprise. While ‘on patrol’ I heard a voice call my name. Turned out to be my neighbor Fran and her husband Jim Robinson with their grandson Avery. Fran happens to be a employed by Publix as a writer. Jim is the Secretary Treasurer of our Home Owners Association.