Dxpedition to the Dry Tortugas

Some information you may find helpful if you wish to participate.



From Rich N4ESS:

Here is the web page for our trip this weekend.  http://k4r2018.com/   We will be on the air starting Friday, 6 July at Noon, and end Sunday, 8 July, around Noon.  We will put in as many hours as we can, sleep a bit and start over again or as long as the batteries hold out.
Matt, NJ4Y, and Robert, KE4AL, will be working satellite passes for this trip.
I will be on CW HF, CW and FT8 on 6 meters and if time and battery allows Matt will be on HF SSB.   I get all of the CW work as the other two are keeping busy with all of the satellite passes.  There is a link on the webpage that will show you just how many satellite passes there are.  Each on lasting only a few minutes and then it is off to the next bird. 
Keep a watch on DX Summit for spotting of our frequencies.
Hope to work you on the radio,

Rich – N4ESS