Rag Chew 6/5/2019
Rag Chew Coordinator Bill KK4LYQ
KI4ZMV Bill NW Lakeland
KN4SAV Ed Mulberry
WB6ZEB Top NW Lakeland
N7CUC Sam Lakeland
AG4E Robert Mulberry
KI4CRI Charley Lakeland
KN4SAU John Lakeland
This was a fun rag chew. Bill KK4LYQ started with a review of some of the two meter events available in the area including two nets sponsored by LARC, and another by ARES. Bill also passed on some useful information for those who are interested in learning CW, in particular the G4FON CW trainer. This software is free, and comes highly recommended.
Bill (Kodak) KI4ZMVtook the opportunity to ask those present what kinds of topics they would like see presented at future club meetings. The suggestions follow:
Stealth antennas. Two mentioned this topic. (I like to think of stealth as inconspicuous. A 30 foot tower topped with a 20 meter Yagi is out of the question, but many antennas are very difficult to see from the roadway, or can easily be disguised. My brother, who is not a ham, told me about his ham friend who installed a humming bird habitat in his back yard that doubles as a support for his wire antenna.)
Antennas in general – dipoles, quads, yagis, end feds, verticals
Satellite operation on a budget. I personally watched my son make several satellite contacts from his back porch with antennas made from coat hangers.
ARES its function and activities
Next week is bring a friend week. The topic will be antennas in general. So plan to participate by bringing your questions, suggestions, and or experiences to the airwaves. As Red Green would say, “We’re all in this together.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTTHIYbbf3Q