Discover the benefits of membership in the ARRL!

The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club, and just over half of our club members are also members of the league…which means that close to half of our club members are missing out! The ARRL, which is our National Association for Amateur Radio offers many benefits for it’s members, including:

  • Your choice of magazine. You can receive QST (monthly) or the leagues newer offering, “On The Air” (bi-monthly) which is aimed toward newer hams. A new benefit to league members is that in addition to your choice of print magazine, you also can read all four (QST, On the Air, National Contest Journal and QEX) online!
  • Members-only online services such as the QST archive and periodical search; free E-newsletters; Product review archive from 1980 to the present; a free email forwarding service with your own ***** email address; ARRL member directory
  • Complimentary license renewals and callsign changes (without having to try to remember how to login to the FCC website)
  • Outgoing QSL service
  • Continuing education and radio courses
  • ARRL’s Regulatory Information Branch provides information on FCC and regulatory questions; problems with antenna, tower and zoning restrictions; and reciprocal licensing procedures.
  • And much more!

In addition, and possibly the most important is that the ARRL is our advocate with the government. ARRL supports legislation in Washington, D.C. that preserves and protects access to existing Amateur Radio frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all hams. As a member, you contribute to the efforts to preserve our privileges.

Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, every membership in the ARRL benefits all of us and helps make Amateur Radio stronger.

If you’re a league member, thank you. If you’re not, won’t you consider joining? Go to and click on Membership for more information.