The annual Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Society hamfest (better known as “The Melbourne Hamfest”) is always a good one, and the 56th annual event, which also happened to be the ARRL Florida State Convention, was no exception! Attendance was good, acquaintances were renewed, there were bargains to be had and the forums were excellent.
If you’ve never made the trip over, it’s worth the drive. It’s never too early to start planning for 2022!
Melbourne always has a great swap area in the main auditoriumOne of the two smaller rooms with swap tablesThe ARRL folks are always happy to answer questions!Hamfests are more than for bargains…there’s good information to be had, too!ARRL Southeast Director Mickey Baker, N4MB speaking at the ARRL forumARRL Southeast Vice-Director Jim Schilling, KG4ISZARRL West Central Florida Section Manager Mike Douglas, W4MDD (courtesy of Darrell Davis, KT4WX)L-R Jimmy Russ, AB4KA; Mike Lunsford, KB4FHP and Mike Douglas, W4MDD at the ARRL forumGeorge Mann, KJ4UW found his way over (courtesy of Darrell Davis, KT4WX)Dan the Man, Dan Dickey, KN4LEH (courtesy of Darrell Davis, KT4WX)