Author Archives: Todd Runnels

Idalia Information

With the Idalia incoming, here are some resources to find hurricane info via radio.  This by far is not an exhaustive list, but instead is a good  starting place. 

Web resources with links to net info and other helpful info: – Polk Ares, localized info for repeaters, Sandbags, and  other active info – Hurricane Watch Net, General info, link  on the left side for the HF net (Net Procedures)

DMR talk groups 3199 (Hurricane  Net)   and 3112 (General  Florida Group)

D-Star REF037A or REF037C are both general Florida groups and may be good sources of info

Wires-X (YSF) – 850FloridaPanhandle may have some info

LWRA QRP and Tailgate Tech August 26th 2023

From our friends at our sister club:

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The next LWRA QRP information has been released! Our next fun get-together will be held at Crystal Lake Park in Lake Wales on the last Saturday of this month (Aug 26th) 9 am to noon. Our theme will be 10 meter operation, antennas, and radios! I will be taking check-ins that morning at our event on 28.325 USB. Technicians, this your section of the band that you can use too! If you have questions, please post in the comments below. Hope to see you there and get your check-in!

LARC meeting 8/14/23

This is a reminder that next meeting with be a tailgate, tablegate, swap meet, or however you would like to else call it. There will be tables set up for people to sell their surplus (is there really ever surplus?) radio gear. Please come a little early to set up if you have things to sell. Please bring cash and change if you are buying or selling. Please bring questions about the gear if you are curious.

Also there may be some help needed with clean up after as more tables will be set up than normal.

Special Reminder July 10th meeting will start at 6pm

Reminder all, this month’s meeting will start at 6pm and will have a $10 per person fee. There will be Mission BBQ and raffles and a recap of Field Day.

Also, this month LARC will still be taking donations to offset our portion of the Fusion repeater that we are buying with the Lake Wales club. It will be installed at the 300 ft Polk Emergency Management tower in Bartow. Also contributing to project is the Polk County Public Schools Radio Society, who will be adding the battery back up and helping to administer it.