Action August

First the candidates. Congratulations to all!

Eleven years old!Luis Moreno Jr KC1CJL, with Peggy, N4PEG, and Richard, W8DUK

Luis and his proud parents and siblings.

The usual suspects, and a few new ones.
Randy Wildman, AD4RW; Louis Pacheco, KK4TSH, general (dark T-shirt); Austin Kline, KM4DNB, technician, (plaid shirt); Richard Grubb, W8DUK; Ringo Breton, KG4DUF

and also.
Pictured here are Lawrence McCoy, KM4DNC, new tech, and Richard W8DUK, one of our clubs new VEs

Our birthday couple. Norma on Monday, Don on Friday.

Some people will do anything for attention. 🙂

Norma and Pat negotiating an age deal. They decided on an even split, 42 years each. 🙂