Ham Radio Volunteers needed.
What: 2014 Rattlesnake Run
When: October 18 2014 7am to 10?
Where: San Antonio , Florida
Why: Public Service event
How: Via Amatuer Radio
Ham Radio Operators are now part of the Rattlesnake Runs Communication Team. Operators offer accurate and reliable voice communication support between the Aid and Medical Stations along the course and the Event Command Center. We are seeking FCC-licensed amateur radio operators. Volunteers are not required to have prior experience, but if you do have experience with marathons, road races, adventure relays, or similar public service events let us know. Volunteers must be able to supply their own equipment.( a 2m handie-talkie)
If you wish to be part of the Ham Radio Volunteer Program at the 2014 Rattlesnake Run, please send an email to n2kbk@… or call/Text 727-484-8099
Ham Radio Volunteers will be using the E.P.A.R.S. VHF repeater (146.880 -.600) to support the event. Volunteers will work alongside the local service agencies and municipal city departments to ensure participant safety.
The registration deadline for all Ham Radio Volunteers is Saturday October 11th (1 week prior to event) Contact n2kbk@… to let him know that you can help.
Thank you for your support!
Chris Bloxsom , N2KBK
This year we will have a special event station set up at the rattlesnake festival. Promoting Amateur Radio to the public. Please come by and visit. We are also looking for people to operate and meet the public.