Ernie and Geoff congratulate Corry McBride KM4EAX on passing his General. Geoff told us he owned a plane, but I for one had no idea how impressive it was. 🙂
From left to right Glen, Daniel Keath KM4FOT, Joseph Torrence KM4FOU, Peggy, Ron, John Shufflebarger KM4FOS. and Jim.
The Guest Speaker
For The November 2014 Meeting Was Paul Womble
We had a record turnout for Paul Womble’s presentation. By most counts there were seventy-five in attendance. Paul K4FB is the Program Manager for Polk County Emergency Management. His presentation covered both his responsibilities and that of his agency. Amateur radio operators have a special role in times of emergency. Paul suggested, among other things, first and foremost, to be prepared yourself, have a plan, and keep sharp on your radio communication skills. Know your equipment, and make sure you can manage simplex, should the repeater systems go down.
You can get more information at this website Click here
Here are some helpful frequencies to know. See how many you can reach, and in what mode.