LARC Participation at Kathleen Historical Society A Great Success

Interest in Amateur Radio was high at the Kathleen Historical Society Event this year. Rich, Bob and Bill chatted with a total of  fifty-one attendees during the day. Some were interested in becoming Hams, others just curious, and one gentleman was writing a book and wanted to check some facts about EMP, or Electro-Magnetic Pulse, for a fictional novel he is writing. When all else fails, tube radios still work! Of particular note was a middle-schooler named Hunter who was sending code with an electronic paddle after only a few minutes of practice.

Besides the three Hams manning the booth, several others stopped by to show support.  A very special  thank you goes to Chris AA4CB for taking the pictures at this event. 

Bob, Bill, and Rich fielding questions at the same time.  
Bob our VP and George Rezac conferring.
Rich handing out information about our club and our new meeting location.
Bill extolling the benefits of  Ham Radio to a father and son. What  a great way to keep in contact.