It’s ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Weekend!

Once again it’s time for the November Sweepstakes (ok, CW weekend was two week ago)! ARRL’s November Sweepstakes is the oldest U.S. based contest, having been around since 1930, and has it’s roots in traffic handling, thus the somewhat complicated exchange.

Sweepstakes is a great way to sharpen your H.F. operating skills, and it’s a fun way to spend some time on the air as one doesn’t need a killer station to make lots of contacts and work plenty of states and counties. The ultimate Sweepstakes goal is a “Clean Sweep”, which is to work all 84 U.S. and Canadian ARRL/RAC Sections, which is definitely a challenge in these times of diminished solar activity.

Visit for details, and see you on the air!

Yes, Virginia…there are still hamfests going on!

While their number is greatly reduced, and big ones such as the Dayton Hamvention and Orlando Hamcation are getting cancelled, there are still good hamfests going on. These photos are from one that took place in Clearwater this past Saturday.

The Tampa Bay Hamfest will be taking place in Plant City on December 11 & 12. Go to for additional details. Also, the Southcars meeting and swap meet will be taking place at the Golden Corral on U.S. 98 North in Lakeland Saturday from 9am until noon.

The best place to find hamfest info is at

Let’s get out there and support our fellow hams, and who knows…you might find a bargain!

The Election is Over!

Ok, maybe not that one, but the election for club officers is done. The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club officers for the next year are:

  • President: Mike Shreve, N6MRS
  • Vice President: Top Smith, WB6ZEQ
  • Secretary: Ken Evers, W9KBE
  • Treasurer: John Beatty, KN4SAU

Many thanks to these gentlemen for stepping up to serve the club for the next year!

There were 24 in attendance.

A very important meeting Monday, November 9!

It’s meeting time again, and this month it’s elections! If you haven’t mailed in your ballot, please bring it to the meeting as votes will be counted at the meeting. We’ll be meeting again at the pavilion by the Sunset Grille at Sun & Fun, same as last month. Meeting starts at 7p.m. (with social hour whenever you care to get there), and we’ll be having testing at 5:30. Please come and support your club!

Scenes from the 2020 Warrior Walk

It was a beautiful day for the Warrior Walk Saturday, and while the turnout was much lower than in previous years, the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club was well represented by…

  • Mike Shreve, N6MRS – Local Net Control Station
  • Bob Doherty, KM4BAO – Remote Command Center
  • Bill Aten, K4JZ – Roving Vehicle
  • Ringo Breton, K2TDR – Embedded Walker
  • Stacy Breton, K1TDR – Embedded Walker Monitor
  • John Beatty, KN4SAU – Station One
  • Top Smith, WB6ZEQ – Station Two Commander
  • Glenn Smith, KO4AWJ – Station Two First Mate
  • Gracie – Station Two K9 Security
  • Mike Lunsford, KB4FHP – Station Three Commander
  • Ken Evers, KO4HIF – Station Three First Mate

Many thanks to all who took time out from their weekend to participate and support the club and our community.

Warrior Walk this Saturday! Volunteers still needed…

Just a reminder that the 2020 Warrior Walk around Lake Hollingsworth is this Saturday, October 24. The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club will be providing communications for the event (via the LARC repeater, so bring your HT) and additional volunteers are still needed. Please contact Bob Doherty, KM4BAO at for additional details and to volunteer. Volunteers should plan to be available from 8 a.m. to noon (the start time has been pushed back to 8:30 a.m.)

Please see the earlier blog post for additional details. See you at the lake!

LARC Monthly Meeting reminder

It’s almost time for the meeting! We’ll meeting Monday, October 12 at the Florida Air Museum at Sun & Fun, 4175 Medulla Rd in Lakeland. The meeting will be held in the covered, open-air seating area outside the Sunset Grill, which is near the compass rose inside of Sun-n-Fun. Click here for the map location, and check the map below

There will be license testing at 5:30 followed by the club meeting at 7:00. We’ll be discussing the upcoming elections (for club officers and board) so please come out and support YOUR club.

See you there!

Warrior Walk 2020 is coming!

On October 24 the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club will be supporting Warrior Walk 2020. The walk will be held at Lake Hollingsworth from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. and volunteers are needed to provide communications. Base camp will be at the First Presbyterian Church at 175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive. Please contact Bob Doherty at to volunteer. See you at the lake!

Warrior Walk 2020 – Lakeland – Saturday October 24Th, 2020

175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive
Lakeland, FL 33801

LARC has, once again this year, been chosen to provide communication support for the 2020 Warrior Walk. Volunteer Radio Operators are needed from 7:00 A.M. until 10:00 A.M.

Please bring your HT. We will be using the LARC repeater at 146.685 PL 127.3. The event will once again be held at the First Presbyterian Church. We need a total of 10 volunteers to fulfill the needs of the event.

Please email Bob Doherty ( KM4BAO) at to sign up. A detailed email will then be sent to all volunteers.

Thank you in advance for volunteering!”