It’s a great time to be working the airwaves! Courtesy of https://www.contestcalendar.com/weeklycont.php it’s easy to see that the bands will be hot with…
You don’t have to be a contester to get involved…it’s a great way to pick up new counties, states and countries and most of all, have fun!
There are also a number of great special event stations on this weekend, including…
Visit http://www.arrl.org/special-event-stations for details on the Special Event stations.
Let’s get those rigs fired up and put those licenses to work. See you on the air!
For those who don’t know, the Dayton Hamvention is THE hamfest. Held every year (although not this year) in May, it is the largest event of it’s kind in the country. The Hara Arena in Trotwood, Ohio, just outside of Dayton hosted Hamvention from 1964 until 2016, when it was announced that the arena would be closing and the event was moved to Xenia, Ohio. There was hope of rebuilding the venue, but extensive damaged received during the tornado outbreak on Memorial Day weekend 2019 put an end to that.
Glenn (Li’l Top), KO4AWJ sent us a few pics from the last club meeting out at the Florida Air Museum at Sun & Fun. Remember to send your photos in to blogmaster@lakelandarc.org (they don’t have to be club related, just ham radio related). Thanks, Glenn!
Did you know that the NOAA Hurricane Hunters are based right here at our very own Lakeland Linder International Airport? These guys have been getting quite a workout lately. https://www.omao.noaa.gov/learn/aircraft-operations/about/hurricane-hunters has lots of interesting information about this group.
And no…they’re not taking passengers.
Dave Lafave, KK4BMI became a Silent Key after his sudden passing on Thursday, September 17, 2020. Dave was a member (and a board member) of the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, and was a life member of the ARRL.
According to his QRZ profile, Dave retired from the U.S. Army in 1998, and had been a licensed radio amateur since 2011.
He is survived by his wife Lisa Marie Martin Lafave and his loving family.
If you’ve worked HF for any length of time you know that HF contests on weekends are “target rich environments”. You don’t have to be a contester to work a lot of stations and pick up new countries, states and US counties. Just this coming weekend are:
These events are full of stations wanting to work YOU!
A great way to see what events are coming down the pike is the WA7BNM Contest Calendar https://www.contestcalendar.com/index.html The calendar has an 8 day schedule, 12 month schedule, QSO party calendar and others.
Check it out, and get on the air! (and be sure to send pics of you at your station to blogmaster@lakelandarc.org)
Tonight the members (and prospective members) of the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club gathered together for a club meeting for the first time in six months! The meeting was held at a new location, which was the outdoor pavilion adjacent to the Florida Air Museum at Sun & Fun. Many thanks to Michelle Rhinesmith, Development Director for the Aerospace Center for Excellence for inviting us to their location. There were 32 in attendance (plus Buddy, the official shack dog of KN4LEH) and the location was well received by all.
There were a variety of topics discussed at the meeting. Among them were:
The big news was our upcoming election of club officers. Matt Stevens, NJ4Y presented information regarding the elections. The club is in need of members to fill the following positions:
Nominations are due no later than October 2nd, ten days prior to the October club meeting. Please consider volunteering for a position as your club needs you…no experience necessary! Results of the nominations will be announced at the October 12 meeting with elections to be held at the November meeting. Rich Kennedy, N4ESS spoke briefly about being a club officer. Rich has extensive experience as an officer in the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, and encouraged folks to volunteer (Rich is our E.F. Hutton…when Rich talks, people listen).
Club President Mike Shreve, N6MRS also discussed the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt, a qrp operating event that was held August 16th. If you’re a qrp aficionado who enjoys portable operation, this is right up your alley!
Prior to the club meeting, a number of folks took the plunge and took their amateur radio license exams. Congratulations to our new crop of hams…
Join us in congratulating our new amateur radio licensees! We all hope to see you on the airwaves.
Many thanks to all who came out on short notice on a rainy night to a new location to make this month’s meeting a succcess! 73 to all.
YES!!! You read it right…the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club is meeting again. The Aerospace Center for Excellence has graciously invited us to meet at the Florida Air Museum at Sun & Fun. For September and October we’ll be meeting under their outdoor pavilion adjacent to the museum. Here are the specifics:
Location: Florida Air Museum, 4175 Medulla Rd, Lakeland FL 33811 (on the grounds at Sun & Fun, north of Pipkin Road, East of County Line Road).
Date: Monday, September 14 and Monday, October 12
Time: 6:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 7
Parking: There is limited parking available near the pavilion, so please reserve those spots for our more “seasoned” members who might be a little less ambulatory. The rest of us can park a little further away and shuttle over if we need to.
Seating is available at picnic tables under the pavilion. However you are welcome to bring your own beach or lawn chairs which will probably be more comfortable. Also…keeping in mind that it is an outdoor facility in Florida in late summer, it would certainly be a good idea to bring some personal insect repellent!
There will be testing available for anyone interested it obtaining an amateur radio license (or upgrading what they have now). Testing will start at 5:30 p.m. For information on testing contact the club at info@lakelandarc.org
Recently I monitored a conversation on the LARC repeater where two local hams were discussing hamfests, the need to go to one and wondering where and when one would be. Ask and ye shall receive! The ARRL website has a searchable hamfest calendar. Check it out! (While this calendar only lists league-sanctioned events, your club PIO does his best to get the word out for other events, too)