FCC Application Fee Proposal Proceeding is Open for Comments


FCC Docket 20-270 (which would require $50 fees for Amateur Radio licenses if passed) is open for comments. To comment, click on the link above and search for docket 20-270.

We need to make our voices heard on this issue. A few hundred comments may not make much of a difference with the decisions makers at the FCC. A few thousand comments might. A couple of hundred thousand comments would go a long way!

Thursday Night is Net Night!

Thursday night is net night in the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club! The action kicks off at 6:30 with the Fusion net and Lee, N4HES is net control. At 7:30 is the LARC Trader’s Net on the FM side with Dan, NZ1P as your net control operator (although if anyone else would like to be net control, Dan would be happy to give them the opportunity…it’s always good to have other net control operators available, and Dan can use a night off now and then. As long as we don’t spoil him).

Both nets are on the LARC repeater at 146.685 (-600, PL tone 127.3). In addition, if you have an item for sale and want to list it on the net, be sure to send the information to ab4ka@protonmail.com and we’ll get it listed in the classified ads on the blog.

See you on the nets!

Discover the benefits of membership in the ARRL!

The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club, and just over half of our club members are also members of the league…which means that close to half of our club members are missing out! The ARRL, which is our National Association for Amateur Radio offers many benefits for it’s members, including:

  • Your choice of magazine. You can receive QST (monthly) or the leagues newer offering, “On The Air” (bi-monthly) which is aimed toward newer hams. A new benefit to league members is that in addition to your choice of print magazine, you also can read all four (QST, On the Air, National Contest Journal and QEX) online!
  • Members-only online services such as the QST archive and periodical search; free E-newsletters; Product review archive from 1980 to the present; a free email forwarding service with your own *****@arrl.net email address; ARRL member directory
  • Complimentary license renewals and callsign changes (without having to try to remember how to login to the FCC website)
  • Outgoing QSL service
  • Continuing education and radio courses
  • ARRL’s Regulatory Information Branch provides information on FCC and regulatory questions; problems with antenna, tower and zoning restrictions; and reciprocal licensing procedures.
  • And much more!

In addition, and possibly the most important is that the ARRL is our advocate with the government. ARRL supports legislation in Washington, D.C. that preserves and protects access to existing Amateur Radio frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all hams. As a member, you contribute to the efforts to preserve our privileges.

Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, every membership in the ARRL benefits all of us and helps make Amateur Radio stronger.

If you’re a league member, thank you. If you’re not, won’t you consider joining? Go to arrl.org and click on Membership for more information.

You asked for it…you got it! The classifieds are back!

That’s right, friends…the classified ads are back! The classified page will be at the top of the blog page on the right. If you wish to place an ad, please email Jimmy Russ, AB4KA at ab4ka@protonmail.com with the following information:

  • Item description and condition
  • Cost
  • Sellers name, callsign and contact information (phone number and/or email address)

Ads will be listed for (approximately) two weeks. If an item is sold or needs to be re-listed, please email Jimmy.

Now for the rules (there are always rules)…

ALL transactions shall be conducted solely between the individual parties involved. The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club has no pecuniary interest in any transaction and bears no liability therein regarding any transaction.

Also, if you wish to conduct a transaction on behalf of a 3rd party (i.e. on behalf of a Silent Key), please ensure to protect the privacy of the 3rd party and make sure they are not contacted by anyone seeking to take advantage of them.

Happy selling!

Check out the LARC Facebook page and group!

For various reasons, the LARC Facebook page was…let’s say “neglected” for lack of a better word. On top of that, the LARC group page wasn’t seeing much action either. Well…business is picking up! In today’s world it seems that Facebook (for better or for worse) is one of the primary modes of disseminating information, and it’s time that the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club gets in on the action. Please “like and share” the LARC Facebook page, and if you haven’t already be sure to join the LARC group page. These are just a couple of ways we can continue to get the word out about this greatest of hobbies, Amateur Radio!

LARC Monthly Meeting notes, August 2020

Once again this month’s meeting was conducted online via Zoom. We had a great turnout with at least 30 people participating (more about that later) and a great program put on by club president Mike Shreve, N6MRS and Matt Stevens, NJ4Y.

The meeting was called to order at 1900 with Mike leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a couple of announcements:

Pursuant to last Monday night’s board meeting, Jimmy Russ, AB4KA was introduced as the new Public Information Officer for LARC. Jimmy will be taking care of the club’s blog and Facebook pages, as well as general dissemination of information as required to the club, other hams and the public, as well as “other related duties as required”. He will also be an honorary (non-voting) board member.

It was also announced that, as LARC is currently without a Secretary, Matthew Stevens, NJ4Y will take on the position of Acting Secretary until the next election for club officers. Kudos to Matthew for taking that ball and running with it!

Once introductions were completed, Matthew Stevens, NJ4Y conducted a wonderful presentation on his portable VHF & UHF operations during recent contests. He had lots of great photos of his contest setups at remote locations, which I’m sure will encourage others to get out and get portable. Great job, Matt!

After that, Mike Shreve, N6MRS gave us an extremely informative discussion on different ham radio websites. Some of the sites he discussed were:

www.qrz.com the quintessential ham radio website
www.voacap.com HF Propagation prediction website
dxsummit.fi online spotting website
reversebeacon.net online spotting website (great for checking your own signal)
spaceweatherwoman.com THE place to go for solar forecast information
blitzortung.org Fascinating website showing real-time lightning strike info worldwide

(one note to add…please look up your own information on qrz.com and make sure it is accurate!)

Big thanks to Matt and Mike for an excellent program!

At this time we’re not sure when or where our next “in person” meeting will be, so be on the lookout for news here on the blog. As always, make sure you’re “in the know” by visiting our blog at blog.lakelandarc.org and the website at lakelandarc.org as well as the club Facebook pages (it’s my understanding that business on the FB pages is picking up!)

So back to tonight’s attendance, please accept this humble apology from your new PIO if he missed your callsign, your last name or the fact that you were there at all. Keeping attendance of online meetings can be a challenge and he promises to do better next time! But such as it is, here is a list of dubious accuracy of tonights attendees:
N6MRS Mike Shreve (club president)
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens (acting secretary)
W7STR Todd Rush (club treasurer)
AB4KA Jimmy Russ (public information officer)
KT2T Mike Oliver
WB6ZEQ Top Smith
KO4AWJ Glenn Smith (Li’l Top)
N4HES Lee Hess
KB0QMN George Rezac
KM4BAO Bob Doherty
NC8I Bob Berquist
WA4MMO Geoff Schuck
K4KJN Christine Duez
KN4PIH Jay Lennon
KC1JYS Dan Haslam
KO4FXP Howard Pierce
N4FRK Victor Saxe
KO4MA Drew Glasbrenner
K4YQ Steve Sexton
KM4STS Liam Holzer
N4ESS Rich Kennedy
KI4WRZ Dave Zdanowicz
W4XDS Jim Stewart
Buddy Morgan
Bill Johnson
Andrew Stevens
David Perrin
Eric Clark

73 to all and see you on the airwaves! Jimmy Russ AB4KA


LARC will hold our general membership meeting via Zoom at 7 PM on Monday, August 10th, the second Monday of the month.

For those familiar with the Zoom platform, this will be a piece of cake. If you have not used Zoom for meetings before, it is not too complicated, provided you follow a few basic guidelines. We held our July meeting this way and had 26 participants. Hopefully, a few more will decide to join us this month.

I will post in Meeting ID and passcode on the blog and email it to the general membership this weekend, so be watching for that information.

We plan to begin the meeting at 1900 hrs, as we normally do, but we will have the Zoom meeting set up 20-30 minutes in advance so you can get familiar with checking in and participating in the meeting.

Mike, N6MRS

Lakeland Amateur Radio Club is meeting again! (Sort of)

The LARC Board of Directors has decided to try a Zoom meeting for the general membership to be held at 7 PM on Monday, July 13th, the second Monday of the month.

For those familiar with the Zoom platform, this will be a piece of cake. If you have not used Zoom for meetings before, it is not too complicated, provided you follow a few basic guidelines.

There are many ways to join a Zoom meeting. Most smartphones have an app available if you wish to download it. This makes things a little easier. Tablets and notebook computers are also options. If you want us to see you, you have to have a camera; to be heard, you have to have a microphone. For this reason, many people choose to use their smartphone for Zoom. The downside is that you have to hold it in your hand or find a stable place to locate it. You will have to give the app permission to use your microphone and camera in some cases.

You don’t have to have an app. All you really need is an internet connection. The link is:


You will be prompted for a meeting ID, it is:    Meeting ID 839 298 4986

ProZoom requires me to require a password of you. The password, very highly secure, is:  LARC  (case sensitive) If that password doesn’t work, try: 378901

We plan to begin the meeting at 1900 hrs, as we normally do, but we will have the Zoom meeting set up 60-90 minutes in advance so you can get familiar with checking in and participating in the meeting.

Mike, N6MRS