Congratulations Florida Polytechnic Team!

Four members of the Florida Polytechnic University graduates received or upgraded their Amateur Radio Licenses. Good luck with your careers in electronics. I can’t think of a better hobby for future EEs.

Kudos to Vlad KX4TH for motivating his classmates to get into ham radio.  

Left to right Vlad KX4TH Extra, Moshe KN4YUG Tech, Jayla KN4YUH Tech, Peter  KN4YUE General, and Rich N4ESS.

Left to right Peter KN4YUE General, Moshe KN4YUG Tech, Yesabel KN4YUF Tech, and Bill K4JZ

We had 59 members and guests attend this evening.  A special thanks to Top WB6ZEQ for making sure everyone is accounted for. This may seem like a small thing, but it is the collection of small things that makes our club work. Thank you.

AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
AB4KA James Russ Amateur Extra YES NO
AE4RM Roger Meadows Amateur Extra YES NO YES
AG4E Robert Young Amateur Extra NO NO
K0ZD John Stanford Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K3JAZ Larry Turner General NO NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES YES
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford General YES YES
KI4CRI Charles Gribble Amateur Extra NO NO NO
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO NO
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES YES
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO YES
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES YES YES
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO YES
KK4BMI David LaFave General LIFE YES
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO YES
KK4YXR Franklin Fitzgerald Technician YES YES YES
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4FBD John McCullough General YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh General YES YES
KN4LEH Danny Dickey Technician NO NO
KN4OTO Charlotte Shaver Technician NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KN4SAU John Beatty General NO NO
KN4SAV Edward Schairer Amateur Extra YES NO
KN4UJI Larry Collins Technician NO NO NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO YES
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES YES
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO YES
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO YES
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO YES
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
NC8I Robert Berquist Amateur Extra YES NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES YES
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO NO
W4JGC J. Culler Amateur Extra YES NO YES
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO YES
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith Amateur Extra YES NO NO
WB8QQR Norman Nissen Advanced YES NO NO
KM4PYG Warren
KN4VIH Diane
N9AXT ? Preston
W4JFS John
Glenn Smith
Jam Rezac

Try Something Different

Suppose with one click you could connect to any one of over 400 Ham Radios around the world.

Here is the link that will get you started.  

But read on before you click on it, read on.

When you click on this link you will see a list of over 400 stations that are streaming what comes into their radio onto the Internet. Reception varies around the world, so if you are interested in QSO’s in the USA, search on USA. If you are just curious, you can click on any of the stations listed and scan through frequencies in any mode from about 0 to 30 MgHz. Be sure to select the appropriate Mode. The software takes a little getting use to, but it is for the most part intuitive, and you can’t do any harm by pushing buttons. So feel free to experiment. I have tried this on my tower, my Samsung Tablet, and even my Android phone. I got it to work on each, but clicking on tiny buttons on a phone is problematic at best. Go with a laptop, tower or tablet for best results.

This is the first thing you will see when you click on the above link.

I was mainly interested in stations in the USA so I typed USA into the search bar and came up with several choices. The station in Idaho seemed popular, so I picked it. Note, you can tell the popularity of a station by checking out the votes to the right of each station.

I thought I would try the 40 meter band so I clicked around 7 MHz. This is what the screen looked like on the CW portion of the band. Those blobs to the left are dots and dashes in CW. The control console is the grey box to the lower right. It contains all the controls you need to do just about anything you would be capable of doing if you had a radio sitting in front of you. In this case I clicked on the CW button, zoomed in with the + magnifier, and nudged the frequency up and down with the smaller circled pluses and minuses. Here is what the Idaho site looked like.

Next I decided to explore the voice part of the band. First I clicked on the LSB button, and then I moved up the band where I found a voice conversation. To move up you can either click and drag the blue section to the left, or click on the grey bar at the top further up the band. You will learn other ways to accomplish the same thing as you become familiar with the software. So play. You can’t hurt anything. This is what the voice section of the band looked like.

The conversation I tuned in on was between two hams discussing loop antennas.
And, just so you know what to expect in the way of audio quality I attached a sound clip that I recorded. The discussion centered around the need for an variable tuning capacitor. The higher the transmitter power the higher the voltage. Higher voltages in turn require bigger plate spacing to prevent arcing. Along with the bigger spacing comes larger plate areas for the same capacitance. And, along with that, a higher price tag.In keeping with ham tradition, these two were lamenting the higher price tag.

Click Here to Listen to the conversation

Patty Morris Foxworth Becomes A Silent Key

Patty Morris Foxworth, KJ4AFB, passed away on August 26th 2019.


Patricia Elaine Morris died on August 26, 2019. She was born on March 11, 1951 in Madras, India to Arthur and Ruth Morris.

She is survived by her beloved and devoted husband Robert Foxworth;
Her brothers, David Roy (Philomina) Morris and family; Joseph Arthur (Yong Cha) Morris and family, her sister, Sharon Lee Bilsborough (Mark Bilsborough), her nephew, Luke Bilsborough and her niece, Ginger Morris.

A service will be on held on Sunday, September 8, 2019 at 2:30 pm at First Presbyterian Church, 175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33801

Bob is currently at Scott Lake Health and Rehab, 800 County Road 540A, Lakeland, and their phone # is: (863) 500-4015.  Bob asked that I inform you of his wife’s passing, and would happily welcome visitors if anyone is available.  He is in Room 304.Click here for a Google Map and directions.

When I visited Bob Sunday, 9/16/19 I asked if there was anything I could do. He asked me to put together an  album of pictures of Patty.  I am in the process of creating hard copy for Bob, but in the mean time here are some of the pictures I found on our Blog.

For over twenty other images CLICK Here.

Our regular monthly meeting scheduled for September 2nd will be canceled due to weather. More information will follow after the storm passes.
The following information is current as of Thursday 9/29/19

Hurricane Dorian projected to become a major hurricane as it churns toward Florida

Strengthening is forecast over the next few days, and Dorian could be become a Category 3 storm on Friday.

As of 5 p.m. EDT on Friday, Dorian’s center was some 20 miles east of the northwestern Bahamas and about 595 miles east of West Palm Beach, Florida, the hurricane center said. Dorian was moving at 9 mph and had maximum sustained winds of 115 mph.

The state’s east coast from Fort Lauderdale up to Cape Canaveral and inland to Orlando are still within the three-day cone of uncertainty, though. The five-day projection includes even more of the state, but the consensus path now has the storm headed for landfall near the South Carolina and Georgia border.

Hurricane Dorian cone of uncertainty as of 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, 2019.
Hurricane Dorian cone of uncertainty as of 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, 2019. (National Hurricane Center/National Hurricane Center)

Florida Gov. DeSantis, though, cautioned that the storm paths will continue to change and that Florida residents need to be wary.
“There is still significant chance of a strike on the state of Florida,” DeSantis said during a briefing at the Emergency Operations Center this morning. “Anyone inside of that cone needs to be prepared.”

As of Saturday 11:00 PM Saturday the forecast is for Dorian to track North with its center staying over the Atlantic as it passes Florida. Good news for us.

As of 11:00 PM Sunday

Monday AM.
Dorian continues on a path that would put its center off the Eastern coast of Florida. At this time is does not appear to be a threat to central and western Florida. Current projection is for the storm center to be well north of us by Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

And the forecast is for the storm to remain off the coast as of late Monday.

Well goodby Dorian, at least as far as we are concerned!

August 2019 General Meeting


Congratulations go out to Darrin, KC6HSP, our new EXTRA. Darrin wanted to be on a ship, but not a cruise ship, so we found passage for him on a freighter. This would be my choice if I had the urge to take a sea voyage. No noisy casinos, no tempting foods that you know you should not eat, and plenty of time to sit back and just enjoy the ride. Of course I would want to know all about how a big cargo ship moves from place to place, and how cargo is kept track of, picked up and dropped off. The more I think of it, the more I think Darrin has a good idea here.


Happy Birthday

Turning 92 is special. This called for something special. Fortunately I was able to scour up seven local hams to celebrate with Don. This was not as difficult as you may have guessed. Most of us would agree that ham radio is a very exciting and attractive hobby. And with hams like Don leading the way, how can you resist? Happy Birthday Don.

Review Of Field Day

Fred reviewed the statistics from Field Day. Our club did well, and about the same as last year. Numbers aren’t everything. Just getting together and having fun is what really counts. I say, mission accomplished!

Our Main Speaker

Our main speaker for the evening was Drew KO4MA. Drew has spoken to club members on several occasions. While the subject is the same, Amateur Satellite, you can’t help coming away with something new after each presentation. Who would have guessed that stabilization is achieved by using a bar magnet inside the cube-sat, or that cube-sats woud be deployed by a process similar to delivering candy from a Pez candy dispenser. How about deploying antennae? One end is fixed permanently, while the other is held in place by a fusible link. After deployment, a signal is given to melt the fuse, releasing the spring steel antenna tucked along side, allowing it to deploy. Simple and very clever. 
Thank you Drew. It is presentations like yours that have members coming back to meetings. 
And while we are on the subject of attendance, our Sargent at arms, Top, has informed me that we had 57 attendees at the August meeting. They are listed below. If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know.


AB1DX Oliver Richards Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K3JAZ Larry Turner General NO NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KI4CDY Patrick O’Neil Amateur Extra YES YES YES
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES YES
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO YES
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO YES
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO YES
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO YES
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh General YES YES
KN4OTO Charlotte Shaver Technician NO NO
KN4OTS Harley Leavitt General NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KN4SAU John Beatty General NO NO
KN4SAV Edward Schairer Amateur Extra YES NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO YES
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES YES
N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO YES
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO YES
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO YES
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
NC8I Robert Berquist Amateur Extra YES NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES YES
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4MAG Michael Girard Amateur Extra YES NO
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO YES
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith Amateur Extra YES NO NO
WB8QQR Norman Nissen Advanced YES NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES YES
WX4NEX Norman Xanders Technician NO YES YES
WZ1P Daniel Gagnon Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4BAO Bob Doherty Amateur Extra YES NO POL-829
KC6HSP Darrin Heard
KI4CRI Charlie Gribble
KI4EFL Don Jeerings
KM4UYX Ken Lozla
KN4DII Bob ?
KN4KIB Joseph Hansel
KN4UJI Larry Collins
KO4MA Andrew Glasbrenner
Bing Bartlett
Bob McCarthy
Glen Smith
Kathy Schuck
Min Hee
Wendy McCarthy

Rag Chew July 31, 2019

  • Checked in 7/31
    WB6QEZ Top
    KI4CRI. Charlie
    WX4NEX Norm
    KN4SAU John
    KN4SAV. Ed
    KT4WX Darrell. First time?
    N6MRS Mike
    N7HUG Steve
    KJ4SGJ James. First time. (Reconnected with Charlie)
    KK4LYQ Bill

Warrior Walk 2019

Once again,  LARC showed out in force to provide radio support to a worthy cause. This time it was the Lakeland Warrior Walk. Here are some photos of the event.

Words are not needed!

Hams are a fun group of guys, or an incorrigible lot, take your pick

To the right, and blending into the crowd, is our fearless net control operator.

We were pleased to have had Darrell Davis join us on this march.

Steve, hand on the button, ready to respond.

Victor’s dream come true.” I always wanted an adult Tonka Toy when I grew up.”

Bill, ever vigilant on station

Last but not least, Next to Glenn Smith we have his very patriotic pouch. Patriotism runs in this family.

A Little Humor Never Hurts

Lee, N4HES’s kids got this sign for his birthday last week, and he wanted to share this will the group. If you must have one of these for your very own, they are available on Amazon. 
I am not so sure I want to take this message literally. My experience has been that teleham is right up there with telephone and telegraph. 
Thank you for sharing Lee.

Warrior Walk 2019

Time to volunteer for the 2019 Lakeland Warrior Walk.

Date: Saturday July 27th
Location: First Presbyterian Church of Lakeland, Florida, 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr, Lakeland, Florida 33801
Start time for LARC:  7:15AM
Your Contact person: Bob Doherty