Field Day 2019 Was A Great Success!

First we will start with the testers. We have two new Techs, Diane KN4VIH and Bob KN4VII Sanchez. No need to hunt for a background for this picture. Field Day is the perfect local to mark the occasion.

From left to right we have VE Coordinator Peggy N4PEG, new Tech Diane KN4VIH, 
Diane’s husband Bob and also new tech KN4VII, and next to Bob, 
Bill KF4Q Have Antenna, Will Travel 
 Field day was a great success in no small part to those who generously rolled up their sleeves, an did the set up, and most important the take down at the end of the event. If I missed your name, I apologize. Let me know an I will be happy to add you to the list.
Here is the list of those who helped with setup and take down. 
Thank you. 
You made Field Day A Success.
Call Name
AE4RM Roger Meadows
K0ZD John Stanford
K1DU Fred Delaney
KF4Q Bill Busbin
KI4EFL Don Jeerings
KI4ZMV Bill Johnson
KJ4UW George Mann
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall
KM4BAO Bob Doherty
KM4STS Liam Holzer
KM4STT Aimee Holzer
KM4STU Leon Holzer
KN4BOK Tom Conner
KN4FRA Michelle Pugh
KN4OTS Harley Leavitt
KN4VII Bob Sanchez
N4FRK Victor Saxe
N6MRS Mike Shreve
N7CUC Sam Shaver
NC8I Bob Berquest
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens
WB4OMG Buddy Morgan
WB6ZEQ Top Smith
Aiden Holzer
KN4SAV Ed Schairer
WA4MMO Geoff Schuck
I will post over seventy pictures taken at field, some by me and some by Matthew, but here are a few highlights.  

For more images from Field Day 2019    Click here

Field Day 2019

Field day this year 
will be held at the Kathleen Historical Society Lodge

Directions: Click Here

Setup will begin Friday around 3:30 PM. If you are new to Ham radio, you should make every effort to get involved with setup. You will learn a lot about setting up antennas, radios, and operations. Your presence is a win win for everyone.

Saturday morning there will be final checks on radio and antenna installations. Then promptly at 2:00 PM Field Day begins. Even if you have not signed up to operate, take a few minutes to watch and learn, and then ask to give it a try. Everyone has to learn sometime. Look at this as a learning opportunity.

Dinner this year will be catered by Jimbo’s and will take place at 6:00 PM. All club members and familys are encouraged to attend. (Note, there will be a light lunch for operators earlier on Saturday.)

Take down will be Sunday. Please volunteer, if you have not already done so, to help with this. Many hands make the work light.

Thursday Night Net June 13, 2019

This is the log for Thursday night net 6/13/2019 for the Blog.
Robert Young AG4E net control for the evening
KN4SAU John selling or trade a MD-100 mike new condition 100.00 also looking for a tuner and power supply for a FT-450D.
K1OPQ Dave

Rag Chew 6-12-19

Subjects addressed this week were diverse. On the digital side, Yaesu Wire format.
On the traditional side, center fed dipoles along with J-poles and other
two meter antennas. Antennas remain a popular topic, so we will continue
next week with this along with any other topics introduced.

May 2019 General Meeting

Congratulations James Finnegan KN4UWK!

James Finnegan, center, surrounded by a plethora of VE’s congratulating him on his new Tech license.

Happy Birthday Glenn!

Peggy and wife Lois congratulate Glenn on his birthday. Unfortunately, church fire regulations prevented the number of candles it would take to accurately mark the event. 🙂

Our Main Speaker Kraig KA2LHO On The WWFF

Our speaker this evening was Kraig Pritts, KA2LHO.  Kraig introduced our club to The World Wide Flora and Fauna In Amateur Radio Program. This program is similar to Florida Parks on the air, but much broader in scope.

The World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF) program wants to draw attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna. In this spirit amateur radio operators set up and operate their radio stations from designated nature parks and protected nature areas-generating attention for these areas whilst givng the ham radio community an interesting activity to contact. WWFF is an international and non-commercial program run by the National coordinators of a large number of national Flora and Fauna programs including the United States (KFF) program.

It is all about teamwork!

In order to insure continuity as well as support for major club activities, the board decided that we will have committees to oversee major club functions. Each committee will be chaired by a board member, but will also include at least one member from the general membership. 

One such team will oversee Service events like the March for Babies, Warrior Walk, and the Citrus Bike Tour. For these events the board contact will be Glenn. Glenn will work very closely with Bob Doherty coordinating these events. Bob has had years of experience arranging club participation in these events and will continue to do so.

Other coordinators and team members will be introduced in the future. So far, the board has identified David Zdanowicz as coordinator of hospitality. David will work with volunteers like Sam Shaver and others to make sure club functions have snacks and coffee. 

Several other positions are open. We need a coordinator for picnics and special events, as well as a coordinator for Field Day. 

The driving force behind the committee concept is to encourage and give others the opportunity to take responsibility for club functions. The goal is to tap into the club’s talent pool to make us even better.

Attendance for May

AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
AB1DX Oliver Richards Amateur Extra YES NO
AB4XK Chet Carruth Amateur Extra YES NO
AG4E Robert Young Amateur Extra NO NO
K0ZD John Stanford Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K2TDR Ringo Breton Amateur Extra NO NO
K3JAZ Larry Turner General NO NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-933
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford General YES YES
KF4Q William Busbin Amateur Extra YES YES
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4CDY Patrick O’Neil Amateur Extra YES YES POL-219A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES POL-415A
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES YES POL-208A
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KJ4WFS Tom Evans Amateur Extra YES YES
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4BOE Thomas Conner General YES NO
KN4FBD John McCullough General YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh General NO NO
KN4LEH Danny Dickey Technician NO NO
KN4OTS Harley Leavitt General NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KN4PII Sharon Kirkland Technician NO NO
KN4SAU John Beatty General NO NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO POL-127A
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-322A
N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4MAG Michael Girard Amateur Extra YES NO
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO POL-782
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB4OMG Harmon Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith Amateur Extra NO NO
WB8QQR Norman Nissen Advanced NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838
N7CUC Sam Shaveer Extra
K1TZD Greg Burton
KN4UJI Larry Collins
KK4TBK Frank Fernandez
KI4NBE George Gafford
KI4CRI Charley Gribble
KN4KIB Joseph Hansel
KI4EFL Don Jeerings
AE4RM Roger Meadows
KK4LYQ Bill Paul
KN4SAV Ed Schairer
Debra Bershak
James Finnegan
Robert McCarthy
Wendy McCarthy
Diane Sanchez
Robert Sanchez
Kathy Schuck
Glenn Sims
Glenn Smith
Minhei Rezac

Thursday Night Net 6-6-2019

This is the list of attendees for the Thursday Night Net

K8TPH Dick
N6MRS Mike
K2TDR Ringo

Robert Young AG4E Net Control for this evening.

Rag Chew Wednesday 6-5-2019

Rag Chew 6/5/2019
Rag Chew Coordinator Bill KK4LYQ
KI4ZMV Bill NW Lakeland
KN4SAV Ed Mulberry
WB6ZEB Top NW Lakeland
N7CUC Sam Lakeland
AG4E Robert Mulberry
KI4CRI Charley Lakeland
KN4SAU John Lakeland
This was a fun rag chew. Bill KK4LYQ started with a review of some of the two meter events available in the area including two nets sponsored by LARC, and another by ARES. Bill also passed on some useful information for those who are interested in learning CW, in particular the G4FON CW trainer. This software is free, and comes highly recommended.
Bill (Kodak) KI4ZMVtook the opportunity to ask those present what kinds of topics they would like see presented at future club meetings. The suggestions follow:
  1. Stealth antennas. Two mentioned this topic. (I like to think of stealth as inconspicuous. A 30 foot tower topped with a 20 meter Yagi is out of the question, but many antennas are very difficult to see from the roadway, or can easily be disguised. My brother, who is not a ham, told me about his ham friend who installed a humming bird habitat in his back yard that doubles as a support for his wire antenna.)
  2. Antennas in general – dipoles, quads, yagis, end feds, verticals
  3. Satellite operation on a budget. I personally watched my son make several satellite contacts from his back porch with antennas made from coat hangers.
  4. ARES its function and activities
Next week is bring a friend week. The topic will be antennas in general. So plan to participate by bringing your questions, suggestions, and or experiences to the airwaves. As Red Green would say, “We’re all in this together.”