Bob Doherty’s Mother-In-Law Passes

POU, 88

PLANT CITY – Maida Frances Badcock Pou, 88, of Plant City, Florida, passed away August 8, 2018. Born at home in Mulberry to the late Wogan and Evelyn Clark Badcock on January 15, 1930, she graduated from Mulberry High School, and attended Florida State College where she was a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. After graduation in 1951, she taught elementary school in Sarasota and Plant City until she became a full-time mother. Over the years she was a Trustee for First United Methodist Church of Plant City, UMC Children’s Home in Enterprise, and Florida Southern College in Lakeland. She was married to the late Billy Pou for 52 years. They shared their love of travel with their children and grandchildren. She loved children and made it her mission to give all children a thirst for learning.
She was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Billy Pou; infant daughter, Salley Badcock Pou; parents, Wogan and Evelyn Badcock; and brother, Wogie Badcock, Jr. She is survived by her son, William ‘Bill’ Pou, Jr. (Kathy); daughter, Evelyn ‘Ebbie Sue’ Doherty (Bob); sister, Evelyn Baber; as well as grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family, and friends. The family has been blessed by her special caregiver, Betty Dixon, caregivers and Mary Spake at Comfort Keepers, and entrusted physician for over 30 years, Dr. Robert Bevis – she loved his kindness and compassion.
A funeral service will be held on Monday, August 13 at 11:00 A.M. at First United Methodist Church, 303 N Evers Street, Plant City, where the family will receive friends beginning at 10:00 A.M. Private interment at Memorial Park Cemetery, Plant City. In lieu of Flowers, memorial contributions may be made to your favorite charity, First United Methodist Church in Plant City, 303 N Evers Street, Plant City 33563, and/or Florida Southern College, Advancement Office, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland 33801. Expressions of condolence at .

August 2018 General Meeting

Patently Obvious– we have a new General

John KN4NTK has once again distinguished himself by passing the General Exam. Only last month he took and passed the Technician Exam. Nice going John. I especially like that pearl handled revolver. Nice touch.

We Also Have a New VE

 Normally we only feature those who have acquired a new license, but this time we need to make note of a brand new VE, who recently became an Amateur Extra Class licensee. Congratulations Aimee KM4STT for joining the VE team, and thank you for giving back.

We Have Two First Contact Awards!

The ham who makes first contact with a new ham can apply for a certificate to commemorate the event. Not one but two First Contact Awards were handed out at this meeting. Bob Doherty presented one to John KN4NTK, who also passed the General exam earlier in the evening. Bill Johnson presented the second First Contact Award of the evening to Michelle KN4FRA. Way to go the both of you.

Fred Update on Field Day

Fred summarized our position on Field Day 2018, comparing our results this year with last. The club is holding its own.

Our Guest Speaker – Paul Womble


 Our guest speaker this evening was Paul Womble Paul is the Polk County Emergency Management program director. In addition to the overview of his responsibilities, Paul, also a ham, emphasized the roll Amateur Radio plays in an emergency. 

 Fifty Attendees Including Several Guests

LARC guest speakers continue to draw large crowds. Club meetings reflect the three pillars upon which the club is based, Education, Service, and Comradary.


AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
AB1PX Oliver Richards
AE4RM Roger Meadows Amateur Extra YES POL-914 NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
K4FB Paul Womble Extra YES YES
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE POL-933 YES
K4ZVVU Gilbert Llucas
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KB4FHP Mike Lunsford Technician
KE4AL Robert Bankston Amateur Extra LIFE
KF4TPW Lydia Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO POL-316A NO
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES POL-840 NO
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES POL-208A YES
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES POL-410 NO
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO
KK4SFX Christopher Linck Technician
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO OSC-074 NO
KM4BAO Robert Doherty General YES POL-829 NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer General NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KM4UYX Kenneth Kozla General NO NO
KN4FBD John McCullough Technician YES NO
KN4FRA Michele Pugh Technician
KN4NTK John Stanford Technician NO NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE POL-127A NO
KQ5TXU? Kieth Rasmes
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE POL-322A YES
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE PAS-570 NO
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4KWR Kevin Rought
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES HIL-1000 NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES POL-680A YES
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4VCO Julian Homan General
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES POL-782 NO
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB4OMG Harmon Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WB8QQR Norman Nissen Advanced
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES POL-838 YES
Tim Harris
WD4LKY Charles Bukoski Silent Key

Warrior Walk 2018

Once again LARC supported Lakeland’s Annual Warrior Walk to benefit local veterans. We had more than enough club members to man all positions. This was not only an opportunity to serve the community, but also a chance for some of our newer members to talk radio with more experienced club members. This was a win win for all involved. 

I would like to thank everyone who contributed images. Click here to view them.

New Tech

Congratulations John!

John Sanford KN4NTK holding his Technician’s Certificate

AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
K4ZVU Gilbert Lucas Advanced
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES
KJ4RNJ Joy Gafford General NO NO POL-600A
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KK4RAH Stephanie Hildreth Technician NO NO
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO OSC-074
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer General NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4FBD John McCullough Technician YES NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO POL-127A
KR4R Johnnie Ritter Amateur Extra YES NO
KT4WX Darrell Davis Amateur Extra YES YES
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4HES Arthur Hess General YES NO
N4LVG Robert Young General
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4MQB Barbara Ritter Technician YES NO
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
WA4ABN Michael Hildreth Technician NO NO
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WB8PHD Joseph Goertzen General NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838
G. Lucas Guest
Glenn Smith Guest
John Standford Guest
Joseph Goertz Guest

The First Fusion Digital Net

Those of you who have Fusion digital capable radios might like to join the club’s first digital net. This event will be held July 20th (Friday) at 7:30 pm on the club’s repeater. The plan is to make this a regular habit every Friday at 7:30 pm.

Dxpedition to the Dry Tortugas

Some information you may find helpful if you wish to participate.

From Rich N4ESS:

Here is the web page for our trip this weekend.   We will be on the air starting Friday, 6 July at Noon, and end Sunday, 8 July, around Noon.  We will put in as many hours as we can, sleep a bit and start over again or as long as the batteries hold out.
Matt, NJ4Y, and Robert, KE4AL, will be working satellite passes for this trip.
I will be on CW HF, CW and FT8 on 6 meters and if time and battery allows Matt will be on HF SSB.   I get all of the CW work as the other two are keeping busy with all of the satellite passes.  There is a link on the webpage that will show you just how many satellite passes there are.  Each on lasting only a few minutes and then it is off to the next bird. 
Keep a watch on DX Summit for spotting of our frequencies.
Hope to work you on the radio,

Rich – N4ESS

Thursday Night Net July 5, 2018

Attendance on this Thursday Night Net – 16 total, and not bad considering the thunder, lightening, and rain.

K8TPH Richard Wilt General YES YES
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KD0VNI Robert Hamilton Technician

KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES YES POL-208A
KM4UYX Kenneth Kozla General NO NO
N4HES Lee Hess General YES NO
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
N8YRE Jonathan Berry Amateur Extra

W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WZ1P Daniel Gagnon Amateur Extra NO NO

Celebration Dinner After Field Day 2018

Click here for more images the Donald took at the dinner.
Way to go Don. Great job!

Attendance sign-in sheet

By some counts there were close to fifty in attendance. This number included spouses who were not also ham radio operators. 

AA4HT Robert Van Winkle YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney YES NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark NO NO
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes YES NO POL-296A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz YES YES
KJ4UW George Mann YES NO POL-410
KK4RAH Stephanie Hildreth NO NO
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall NO NO
KM4STS Liam Holzer NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer NO NO
KN4FBD John McCullough YES NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp LIFE NO POL-127A
KR4R Johnnie Ritter YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy LIFE NO PAS-570
N4HES Arthur Hess YES NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver NO NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark NO NO
W4MQB Barbara Ritter YES NO
W7STR Springer Rush YES NO
WA4ABN Michael Hildreth NO NO
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith NO NO
WB8PHD Joseph Goertzen NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens YES YES POL-838
KT4WX Darrell Davis YES
N4LVG Robert Young
K4ZVU Gilbert Lucas
John Standford
G. Lucas
Joseph Goertz
Glenn Smith

Field Day Stats 2018 and Historical L4LKL Class 4A

Year Points Rank # In Class Ratio
2012 4394 40 158 0.25
2013 4676 33 156 0.21
2014 4516 39 150 0.26
2015 5370 31 156 0.20
2016 4012 40 132 0.30
2017 4068 37 133 0.28
2018 5154

Data Analysis
The data suggests no significant change year over year. Bottom line, we are holding steady.