October 1st 2018

Making A Big Splash

Left to right after Glenn is Robert N4LVG, Jay KN4PIH, and wife Sharron KN4PII new Techs, and John KN4PIJ, new General

Our Surprise Speaker, And It Was A Pleasant One At That

Pinch hitting for Chet who could not make the meeting due to nasty fall, Mike did an excellent job covering the use baluns, toroid composition,both ferrite and powder iron types, and long wire antennas. This kind of presentation makes you want to go out in the back yard and experiment and that is just what he did to prepare. Discovery, and even rediscovery is what makes this hobby so interesting.

Note: I just chatted with Chet who is recovering from a fractured hip. The good news is that the doctors believe it is a hairline fracture and he should recover in a month or so, without the need for surgery.


AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
AB1DX Oliver Richards Amateur Extra YES NO
K1TZD Gregory Burton Amateur Extra NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-933
KA9AHB Francesco Roncone General YES NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KC2RMZ Brian Volz Technician NO NO
KF4Q William Busbin Amateur Extra YES YES
KF4TPW Lydia Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
KG2G Bert Onachila Amateur Extra NO NO
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KK4BMI David LaFave General LIFE YES
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO OSC-074
KM4BAO Robert Doherty General YES NO POL-829
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KM4UYX Kenneth Kozla General NO NO
KN4BOE Thomas Conner General YES NO
KN4FBD John McCullough General YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh Technician NO NO
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-322A
N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7HUQ Steven Schultz General NO NO POL-274
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W4ZSC Albert Sheppard Amateur Extra YES NO POL-843
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO POL-782
WB4OMG Harmon Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838
N4XMT Paul Whelpley Technician
N4LVG Robert Young Extra
WB8QQR Norm Nissen Advanced
NP4PS Juan Polo T
N9XMT Matthew Helm General
Gordon Hect
George Quinones
Daisy Lahvillieh

Getting Started With Allstar

Hello, this is Lucy, CH1MP, with some information about the Allstar System. After reading this you will learn how Chimp Pan Easy it is to use. So let’s get started.

Lucy CH1MP posing before a vintage telephone switchboard.

Anything new can be overwhelming. I am by no means an expert, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t play in the Allstar sandbox. Think of Allstar in terms of a telephone network. In fact, it was modeled after a PBX, or Private Branch Exchange. Large corporations have their own internal phone systems, or PBXs which can also interface with the outside world. Think of the Allstar network as your very own HBX or Ham Branch Exchange.

LARC repeater’s Allstar capability means it can connect to thousands of other hams. It uses the old switchboard telephone model, but with software and the Internet substituting for patch cords and copper wires. The only hardware you will need to take full advantage of the system is a radio capable of sending DTMF tones. DTMF tones are the sounds that your phone makes when you dial a number. Most ham radios have this capability. For example, to send the DTMF tones for the number 1234 using a Baofeng, press and hold the transmit button while pressing in sequence the keys 1, 2, 3 and 4.

You will need to learn a few control codes: *1, *2, and *3. You will also need to select a Node number from the list of available Nodes. This website will help. http://stats.allstarlink.org/ It lists hundreds of Nodes. Our repeater is one of them. It isNode number 49715.

Control codes are combined with Node numbers in the following way:

*1 followed by a Nodenumber. This will disconnect you from the Node number you entered.
*2 followed by a Nodenumber. This will only allow you to listen to traffic on the Node number entered.
*3 followed by a Nodenumber. This code puts you in transceiver mode, or two way communication. This is probably the one you want to use.

Here is a snapshot of part of what you will see when you click on the link above. This is the place to get Node numbers, Maps showing the location of a Node, and Bubble charts, which tell you who is connected to who.

By clicking on Map for a given Node number, you can pinpoint the location of that Node.
Here is an example. The Node for Tampa was selected. In this case only two Nodes are connected.

Finally, there is the Bubble chart. The following is a very simple one. It shows three Nodes connected to a fourth.

Here is a tip to help you pick a Node. Join the crowd. Pick a Nodethat is designated as a Hub. Do this by sending *3 followed by the Node number of the hub you select. You will be added to the group. As a group member you are now connected to anyone who is also connected to the hub. When you transmit, everyone hears you, and you can hear everyone else. Think of this as a party-line. Don’t be surprised if you get an answer back from someone in Denver, when you put your call sign out. This is possible if the Denver station is connected to the same hub you are connected to.

So now for some practical stuff.

How do I let everyone know I am connecting to an Allstar link and it is not my grandson messing with my HT?
        Good procedure is to announce your intentions before you send any DTMF codes. Say “This is ‘your call sign’ connecting to Allstar.”

Can I cause any damage by punching in something incorrectly?
        Not likely. The system is robust.

If I connect to a Node, do I have to disconnect after I am done with a session?
        You don’t have to, but if you open a pathway to Dusseldorf Germany, and don’t  disconnect it, some of your fellow hams might be caught off guard if Hans responds to their request for a signal report in a heavy German accent.

Can someone else disconnect a link I established but forgot or purposely left open?
        Yes. Anyone can disconnect our repeater from any Node using *1 followed by the Nodenumber sequence.

How can I tell which Node or Nodes the LARC repeater is connected to?
         This is wherethe bubble chart comes in handy. It will show any connections to the LARC repeater.

Can you recommend a hub?
         You might try Node2577. This hub is located in Central Florida.

Yes, there is more to learn, but the best way to learn any new skill is to get some hands on experience. You now have enough information to get started, so go bananas! You’d be a chimp not to.


Presentation By QB Govenor To Judy Bukoski

Judy Bukoski listens while the Governor of the Lakeland hangar of the Quiet Birdmen reads the official letter of condolences to Judy, and gives her permission to wear Charlie’s wings. Those standing with her are some of the other Quiet Birdmen present. Among those standing are some familiar club faces: Don Jeerings, Bill Aten, and Jeff Schuck. Also present was Bill Johnson.

Celebration of Life For Charlie Bukoski

Charlie Bukoski
Celebration of Life
September 28, 2018

A Celebration of Life for Charlie Bukoski who “Went West”, August 6,2018 will be held at the LAL Quiet Birdmen Hut, the night of September 28, 2018.This is a private club on the Sun n Fun Campus that will be open, to the public for family and friends of Charlie to gather and remember this great man.Expect an informal gathering with drinks, snacks, and cake. Charlie loved a good party and never passed up a piece of cake. Come casual, contribute and enjoy the many tails of Charlie’s life.

    • 18:00 – Hut Opens Social Hour – Open Bar, Snacks
    • 18:30 – Remembrances and stories of Charlie
    • 19:00 – Desert
    • 19:30 – Close

Here are directions to get you there. Go South on Harden until you reach West Pitkin. Make a right onto West Pitkin and continue for 3.5 miles until you reach Old Medulla Rd. Go right onto Old Medulla which will curve to the left and eventually join up with Doolittle Road which will take you onto the Sun and Fun campus. Go right on Doolittle road for a couple hundred feet to Sun and Fun Road where you will turn left. In another couple hundred feet you will see the grass parking area on your left.  

Click here for a map of the area.

You may also contact Don Jeerings or Geoff Schuck for additional information.

September 2018 Meeting

 Note: For those who want to get some background on next month’s presentation:


This Was A Busy Evening For The VE Team

  • John M Stanford KN4TNK Extra — John is a club member and has moved up the ranks quickly. This is his third upgrade in as many months.
    • Charlotte P Shaver KN4OTO Technician — Charlotte (Kay) Sam’s wife and new to the hobby and an excellent pastry cook as well.
    • Louis W Bradbury KN4OTP Technician.
    • Joshua L Robinson KN4OTQ Technician.
    • Johnathon C Robinson KN4OTR Technician
    • Francesco Roncone KA9AHB General –Francesco (Frank) is a new member. He and his wife Janice are new family members.
    • Harley N Leavitt Jr KN4OTS Technician –Harley is a new member.

Frank KA9AHB new General with his wife Janice

Harley KN4OTS new Tech

John KN4TNK center a new Extra, and Kay KN4OTO a new Tech second from the right with husband Sam

Rich N4ESS presents a new HT, gift from husband Sam, to Kay after passing the Tech Exam

We had quite a crowd this evening for Matthew’s presentation on his trip to the Dry Tartugas

Andrew is holding the first prize for the upcoming LARC Hamfest scheduled for later this year.


AB4KA James Russ Amateur Extra YES NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-933
K4ZVU Gilbert Lucas Advanced YES NO
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KK4BMI David LaFave General LIFE YES
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO
KM4BAO Robert Doherty General YES NO POL-829
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer General NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4FBD John McCullough Technician YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh Technician NO NO
KN4NTK John Stanford Extra NO NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO POL-127A
N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4JGC J. Culler Amateur Extra YES NO POL-560A
W4ZSC Albert Sheppard Amateur Extra YES NO POL-843
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO POL-782
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838
N4KWR Kevin Rough General
KN4OTO Kay Shaver Technician
Glenn Smith
Jay Lennon
Sharon Lennon
Min Hee Km KB0QMN YL
KN4OTP Louis Wayne Technician
KN4OTQ Joshua Robinson Technician
KN4OTR Jonathon Robinson Technician
KA9AHB Francesco Roncone General

Charlie Bukoski Becomes A Silent Key

You are invited to attend a Celebration of Charlie’s Life on Sept 28th, at 6 PM at the QB (Quiet Birdmen) Shack on the Sun n Fun Campus. It will be an informal gathering with drinks, snacks, and cake. Charlie loved a good party and never passed up a piece of cake.  Be casual and plan to bring a tale or two that Charlie would enjoy.  Regrets only  by Sept 24th. to Judy@bukoski.net

Charles (Charlie) Bukoski, WD4LKY,  became a silent key on August 6.2018.

Charlie passed away following a septic bacterial infection while traveling in his motor home in Iowa. He was being treated for Multiple Myeloma for 2.5 years and his depleted immune system was unable to overcome the massive infection. He is survived by his wife, Judy (KB4BDQ), two sons, 3 grandchildren, and one sister. 

Rex Mott Became A Silent Key August 14, 2018

Rex Mott KC1WE passed away on August 14. He lost his battle with cancer shortly after being diagnosed about a month or so before. He is survived by his wife Maggie There will be a memorial service Saturday, August 25, 2018, 4:00PM, at the Cypress Lakes Estates, 10000 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland, FL 33809

Marge Sheppard Passed Away August 14, 2018

Services for Marge Sheppard will be held Wednesday, August 22nd, 10:30 AM, at the First Presbyterian Church 175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33801

Obituary for Marjory Ward Sheppard
Marjory “Marge” Ward Sheppard, 80

Lakeland- Marjory “Marge” Ward Sheppard passed away Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at Lakeland Hospice House in Lakeland, FL. She was born in Auburn, NY on September 17, 1937 and graduated from Union Springs Central School in 1955.
Her family moved to Lakeland, FL in 1957. She married Daniel Edson Dewell from Tampa, FL in 1959. They had three children, Ellen, Michael, and Patricia and lived in Miami, Atlanta, New Jersey, Tampa, and Lakeland, where Edson passed away in 1991.
Marge was working at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, where she met and married Albert P. Shepperd in 1995
She enjoyed travel, especially cruising with her husband and family, reading, her participation in P.E.O. Chapter DO, and her Women’s Circle at First Presbyterian Church, where she had been a member since 1985.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Edith Ward; brothers, Charles Ward and Don Ward and her first husband, Edson Dewell.
She is survived by her loving husband, Al Sheppard; daughters, Ellen Zamorano (Gerhard) and Patricia Thompson, and son, Michael Dewell (JoAnn), six grandchildren, Alden and Landen Zamorano, Kali Dewell, Emily, Grace, and Graham Thompson and four step grandchildren, Mark and Paul Sheppard and Ella and Davis Hancock and several nieces and nephews.
A memorial service followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall will be held 10:30 am on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 in the Chapel at First Presbyterian Church, 175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL. Inurnment will be at Oak Hill Burial Park.
In lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory can be made to First Presbyterian Church, 175 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33803 or Chapters Health Hospice, 12470 Telecom Drive, Tampa, FL 33637 or www.chaptershealth.org

To send flowers or a remembrance gift to the family of Marjory Ward Sheppard, please visit our Tribute Store.

For more information you can visit this link Marjory Sheppard

Bob Doherty’s Mother-In-Law Passes

POU, 88

PLANT CITY – Maida Frances Badcock Pou, 88, of Plant City, Florida, passed away August 8, 2018. Born at home in Mulberry to the late Wogan and Evelyn Clark Badcock on January 15, 1930, she graduated from Mulberry High School, and attended Florida State College where she was a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. After graduation in 1951, she taught elementary school in Sarasota and Plant City until she became a full-time mother. Over the years she was a Trustee for First United Methodist Church of Plant City, UMC Children’s Home in Enterprise, and Florida Southern College in Lakeland. She was married to the late Billy Pou for 52 years. They shared their love of travel with their children and grandchildren. She loved children and made it her mission to give all children a thirst for learning.
She was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Billy Pou; infant daughter, Salley Badcock Pou; parents, Wogan and Evelyn Badcock; and brother, Wogie Badcock, Jr. She is survived by her son, William ‘Bill’ Pou, Jr. (Kathy); daughter, Evelyn ‘Ebbie Sue’ Doherty (Bob); sister, Evelyn Baber; as well as grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family, and friends. The family has been blessed by her special caregiver, Betty Dixon, caregivers and Mary Spake at Comfort Keepers, and entrusted physician for over 30 years, Dr. Robert Bevis – she loved his kindness and compassion.
A funeral service will be held on Monday, August 13 at 11:00 A.M. at First United Methodist Church, 303 N Evers Street, Plant City, where the family will receive friends beginning at 10:00 A.M. Private interment at Memorial Park Cemetery, Plant City. In lieu of Flowers, memorial contributions may be made to your favorite charity, First United Methodist Church in Plant City, 303 N Evers Street, Plant City 33563, and/or Florida Southern College, Advancement Office, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland 33801. Expressions of condolence at HopewellFuneral.com .