Thursday Night Net 1/17/2019

This is the log for Thursday night net 1/17/19 
   Submitted by Robert Young

K1DU Fred
KN4POJ Robert
WA4YL Dawn
WW4EOC FCC list Sean thought he said Shawn
KN4PVO Jesse
KK4LYQ Bill (would like to start a rag chew every Wednesday at 2:30pm local time)
KM4PYG Warren (I believe he is still looking for a Dip Meter)
N6MRS Mike
KB0QMN George
KG4YNI Ernie
AB4KA Jimmy
KK4OGM FCC list Ronald thought he said Ron
Robert Young

January 2019 General Meeting

We Have A New Tech and Some Upgrades!

Left to right Aimee KM4STT, Top WB6ZEQ new Extra, Danial new Tech, Debbie KM4CUG new General, and Glenn W4JGC

Left to right John K0ZD, new General Harley KN4OTS, and Glenn W4JGC

Chet Carruth and the Radiogram Story
Chet AB4XK, delivering a stirring presentation on the National Traffic System.

Chet did his usual through job on a not so easy subject to address. His notes are available on the club website at Chet’s Notes On The National Traffic System
For a little background on Chet Click Here
For a chart of CW Nets CWNets
The following is a brief overview of this topic quoted from Wikipedia:

The National Traffic System (NTS) is an organized network of amateur radio operators sponsored by the American Radio Relay League for the purpose of relaying messages throughout the U.S. and Canada.[1]
During normal times, these messages are routine greetings (“Happy birthday Aunt Mary”) and keep the system well oiled and the operators trained so that everything works when needed. When there is an emergency or disaster NTS works closely with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service to provide emergency communications. The most common type of disaster-related messages are “health and welfare” inquiries and notifications into and out of the area affected by the disaster.
In time of disaster, it is easy to expand the system by simply creating additional meeting times for the nets with high volume, or by setting up a specific “trunk line” between two points.(Source Wikipedia)

Attendance January Meeting 
AA4HT Robert Van Winkle Amateur Extra YES NO
AB4KA James Russ Amateur Extra YES NO
AB4XK Chet Carruth Amateur Extra YES NO
K0ZD John Stanford Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K2EUH Robert Foxworth Amateur Extra YES NO POL-405A
K2OU Gary Perkins Amateur Extra NO NO
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KC2RMZ Brian Volz Technician NO NO
KF4Q William Busbin Amateur Extra YES YES
KG2G Bert Onachila Amateur Extra YES NO
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4CDY Patrick O’Neil Amateur Extra YES YES POL-219A
KI4DNO Larry Walker General YES YES POL-218A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES POL-415A
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4AFB Patricia Morris General YES YES
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KK4ITX John Leahy Amateur Extra YES NO PAS-607
KK4OGM Ronald Herring Amateur Extra NO NO
KK4TSG Ronald Herring General NO NO
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO OSC-074
KM4CUG Debra Leahy Technician YES NO
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KN4BOE Thomas Conner General YES NO
KN4FBD John McCullough General YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh Technician NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KQ4KX Richard Sharp Amateur Extra LIFE NO POL-127A
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-322A
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4LVG Robert Young Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
AF1RE Robin Retzloff
KD8HIH James Carrier
KK4PFA Michael King
KN4RCO Mark Carreno
N4BUB Richard Hagerman
NC8L Artuhr Sherette
W1DMG David Grant
W9JXZ Dan Borneman
Glenn Smith
John Beatty
Susan Craig
Wyatt Jones
John Holt

Paul Lee Pippin KG4EPU Becomes A Silent Key

Ardmore resident Paul Lee Pippin passed away at his residence, Monday, December 10, 2018, at the age of 71 years, 8 months and 9 days. 

Paul was born March 31, 1947 to James Floyd “Jim” Pippin and Joyce Elaine “Liz” Pippin at Ardmore.  Paul grew up here and after high school attended college for a time.  An over-the-road truck driver, Paul had served in the U. S. Army.

Survivors include his mother, Joyce “Liz” Pippin, his sons, Jason and Justin Pippin, three grandsons and a granddaughter; also his significant other, Elizabeth Rodriquez.
There will be no formal services at this time.  Cremation-With-Care was provided by Harvey-Douglas Funeral Home and Crematory.  Words of comfort may be sent the family at

Christmas Party 2018

Click here for a link to more photos.

K0ZD John Standford Standford Amateur Extra YES YES
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K1TZD Gregory Burton Amateur Extra NO NO
K2OU Gary Perkins Amateur Extra NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-933
KA2BVC Alwin Pogue Amateur Extra YES NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KF4Q William Busbin Amateur Extra YES YES
KG2G Bert Onachila Amateur Extra NO NO
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES POL-415A
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES YES POL-208A
KJ4RNJ Joy Gafford General NO NO POL-600A
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KJ4WFS Tom Evans Amateur Extra YES YES
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO
KM4BAO Robert Doherty General YES NO POL-829
KM4CUI Christy Evans Technician YES NO
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STT Aimee Holzer Amateur Extra NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-322A
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WB8PHD Joseph Goertzen General NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838
KI4OP Nancy L Heinrich
AD4IH Joseph Pirkle
WAIPVV Susan Burton
Glenn Smith
George Gafford Jr
Joan Hains
John Standford Jr

LARC Christmas Party Is Just Around The Corner

Plan now to attend our annual Christmas Party

Date: Monday, December 3rd, 2018
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: The Golden Corral 4705 US Hwy 98 N

As in past years, you pay at the door. The club will pick up the gratuity. 
Cost for an adult: $11.99 plus $2.19 for the beverages.

It Is Time For A Picnic

There will be a LARC Picnic Saturday November 17th, 2018.
Location: Lake Parker Park. (Take the boat entrance and wind your way back to the last pavilion on the lake. Look for antennas.)
Time: sunrise to around 2:00 PM
The club will supply the burgers and dogs, buns and condiments. Bring a dish to pass and something to drink. If you have never been to one of these before it is a family event. Spouses,significant others, children and pets are welcome.
Bring your radio!

The November 2018 Meeting

 One New Tech and One New Extra

Jim KN4QCN left a new Tech,  and Andrew WX4AMS new Extra are congratulated by VE Richard W8DUK.


Election Results

First the highlights. We have a new Vice President, Mike Shreve. In addition, we have three new board members, Glenn Culler, Aimee Holzer, and Dave Lafave. Bob Doherty stepped down as VP to take care of family matters. We wish him well, and his grandson a speedy recovery. The club benefited greatly by his organizational skills and his ability to line up great speakers for our meetings. Al Sheppard has also stepped down as active board member. He has relocated to Naples Florida to be closer to his son. We will miss his quick wit, kind words, and helpful direction.

For 2018
    • President Matthew Stevens
    • Vice President Mike Shreve
    • Secretary Bill Johnson
    • Treasurer Patrick O’Neil

Board members:
James Stewart, Mike Oliver, David Zdanowicz, Glenn Culler, Geoff Schuck, Stephanie Hildreth, Kevin Rought, Richard Kennedy, Aimee Holzer, and Dave Lafave

Our Main Presenter For The Evening James Stewart 
     On Winlink

Jim did a masterful job at presenting a powerful tool that should be on every hams tool belt. If all local communication fails Winlink will enable you to reach anyone in the world with internet access. Winlink allows you to jump out of the affected area to reach a station that will forward your message.

Brief History (excerpt from Jim’s presentation. Click here for a PFD
                        Click here for a You Tube Demo  )

  • Been around since the early 80’s
  • Originally known as Aplink, an early DOS based mailbox program and was the brainchild of Victor Poor, W5SMM
  • Widely used by both the maritime and RV Amateur Radio communities and by MARS and EMComfolks
  • Several versions of companion products were created to work in this arena, the Classic Winlinkand Airmail among the most well known.
  • Latest version of the popular Winlinkis known as WinlinkExpress

John Lemon Receives His First Contact Award

Attendees Who Signed In

K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K1TZD Gregory Burton Amateur Extra NO NO
K2EUH Robert Foxworth Amateur Extra YES NO POL-405A
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KC2RMZ Brian Volz Technician NO NO
KG2G Bert Onachila Amateur Extra NO NO
KI4CDY Patrick O’Neil Amateur Extra YES YES POL-219A
KI4DNO Larry Walker General YES YES POL-218A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4WRX David Zdanowicz Amateur Extra YES YES POL-415A
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4AFB Patricia Morris General YES YES
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KK4BMI David LaFave General LIFE YES
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO
KK4RAH Stephanie Hildreth Technician NO NO
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO OSC-074
KM4STS Liam Holzer General NO NO
KM4STU Leon Holzer General NO NO
KM4UYX Kenneth Kozla General NO NO
KN4BOE Thomas Conner General YES NO
KN4FBD John McCullough General YES NO
KN4FRA Susan Pugh Technician NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KT2T Michael Oliver Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-322A
N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4KWR Kevin Rought General YES YES POL-868
N4LVG Robert Young Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
N6MRS Michael Shreve General YES NO
N7CUC Samuel Shaver Amateur Extra NO NO
NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4JGC J. Culler Amateur Extra YES NO POL-560A
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO POL-782
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith General NO NO
WZ1P Daniel Gagnon Amateur Extra NO NO
KN4OTO Charlotte Shaver
KN4OTS Harley Leavitt
KG4RIV William Bunting
KN3ABC William Herren

Other Guests
John Batty
Scott Pugh
Glenn Smith

LARC Hamfest 2018

Weather was perfect, turnout was lighter than last year, but sales were brisk.

Michele Pugh chats with Darrell Davis KT4WX about the value of joining ARRL while Glenn Minich looks on. Mike Douglas W4MDD is far left holding a tablet.

The club had a table this year. All items, some publications and some hardware, were donated by Al Sheppard. All proceeds from the sale went to the club.

The club tables before the rush. Over half the items were sold.