Simplex Net ARES Test

For those of you who want to know just how far your radio can reach on simplex, this is your chance. Plan to join in on the Simplex Net.

Information on the Net can be found on the ARES website under the Simplex Net tab.
Here are the dates and times of the next two events:  
     March 9th – 10AM – UHF, 7PM – VHF

     March 23rd – 10AM – VHF, 7PM – UHF

Frequencies will depend on your location. You must visit the Polk ares site to determine the frequencies for your location in the county.

 (Scroll down to the map showing the four quadrants.)

Norman Xanders, WX4NEX, is our designated ARES Simplex NCO and will be running these.  He is also the Polk ARES Net Manager. Norman is also a new LARC member.

Be sure to visit the link above and click on the link to Simplex Net. There you will find information on frequencies and procedures.

Information provided by Jim Stewart Polk ARES Emergency Coordinator

February Meeting 2019

Overview Of This Month’s Meeting

This evening we had two successful candidates for Ham Radio licenses. We had a great turnout, which included 19 visitors. Visitors are always welcome to our meetings.

Starting this month we have introduced Show and Tell. Hams who have something to show are encouraged to bring it to the meeting. A table will be provided for you to display your items. This month a free and easy to use software package to record audio from a repeater was displayed along with a dipole that fit into a pill box, and a two-meter seventy-centimeter mobile radio that was for sale.

As usual, members and guests are encouraged to come early, we open the doors at 5:15, enjoy a cup of coffee and mingle.

A reminder for new club members. Please take a moment to sign up for the club’s mailing list. It is easy to do, and you will find instructions by CLICKING HERE

Finally, Techcon is right around the corner. Feb 22nd and 23rd. See the flyer below.


While everyone else is drinking that coffee and eating those treats, others are hard a work. The intensity on the faces of those taking the test is self evident. Pictures captured by Chris Bloxsom, AA4CB, visiting VE, before assembly into a composite. That’s Chris on the right in a partial selfie. Picture taken with his radio. What else at a ham test?

Congratulations John on obtaining your General License!
Congratulations Ed on obtaining your Technician licnese
I find LARC presentations most interesting.
Buddy Morgan joint presenter with Matthew addressing VHF Contesting
We had a good turnout. 69 in all counting visitors.
AB1DX Oliver Richards Amateur Extra YES NO
AB4KA James Russ Amateur Extra YES NO
K0ZD John Stanford Amateur Extra YES NO
K1DU Frederick Delaney Amateur Extra YES NO
K1TZD Gregory Burton Amateur Extra NO NO
K2OU Gary Perkins Amateur Extra NO NO
K4EMT Sarah Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
K4JZ William Aten Amateur Extra LIFE YES POL-933
K4ZVU Gilbert Lucas Advanced YES NO
KB0QMN George Rezac General NO NO
KB4BDQ Judith Bukoski General LIFE NO
KB4FHP Joseph Lunsford Technician NO NO
KF4TPW Lydia Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
KG2G Bert Onachila Amateur Extra YES NO
KG4YNI Ernest Haynes Amateur Extra YES NO POL-296A
KI4CDY Patrick O’Neil Amateur Extra YES YES POL-219A
KI4EFL Donald Jeerings General NO NO
KI4NBE George Gafford Amateur Extra NO NO POL-316A
KI4ZMV William Johnson Amateur Extra YES NO POL-840
KJ4DSQ Roger Land Technician YES YES POL-208A
KJ4UW George Mann Amateur Extra YES NO POL-410
KJ4WFS Tom Evans Amateur Extra YES YES
KK4ITX John Leahy Amateur Extra YES NO PAS-607
KK4LYQ William Paul Amateur Extra YES NO POL-834
KK4OGM Ronald Herring Amateur Extra NO NO
KK4VCN Eleanor Marshall Technician NO NO OSC-074
KM4CUI Christy Evans Technician YES NO
KM4DMD John Laurent Amateur Extra YES NO POL-845
KN4FRA Susan Pugh Technician NO NO
KN4OTO Charlotte Shaver Technician NO NO
KN4PIH Richard Lennon Technician NO NO
KN4PII Sharon Kirkland Technician NO NO
KN4PVO Jesus Perez

N2TE R. Marchese Amateur Extra YES NO
N4ESS Richard Kennedy Amateur Extra LIFE NO PAS-570
N4FRK Victor Saxe General NO NO
N4HCZ Robert Griggs Amateur Extra NO NO
N4LVG Robert Young Amateur Extra NO NO
N4PEG Margaret Kennedy Amateur Extra YES NO HIL-1000
NC8I Robert

NJ4Y Matthew Stevens Amateur Extra YES YES POL-680A
W4EMT Eric Clark Amateur Extra NO NO
W4JGC J. Culler Amateur Extra YES NO POL-560A
W4XDS James Stewart Amateur Extra YES YES
W7STR Springer Rush Amateur Extra YES NO
W8DUK Richard Grubb Amateur Extra YES NO POL-782
WA4MMO Geoffrey Schuck Amateur Extra YES NO
WB4OMG Harmon Morgan Amateur Extra NO NO
WB6ZEQ Herman Smith Extra mea culpa NO NO
WX4AMS Andrew Stevens General YES YES POL-838

Guest, Spouse, or New Member



KC8MNW Jeannie


KN4OTS Harley


KN4SAV Ed New Member


N4DLW Dave




WX4NEX Norman New Member

Terry Perkins

Glenn Smith

Moira Restall


Joan Haynes

This is the log for Thursday night net 2/7/2019
Net Control Robert Young

KN4PVO Jesse
KI4NBE George
KB0QMN George
N4LVG Robert Young

Techcon is Right Around The corner 


Hamcation Is Just Around The Corner

The 73rd Annual Hamcation will be held February 8th, 9th, and 10th. New hams especially should put this on their calendar. This is the big event of the year. Virtually every ham radio supplier will be present. Everything from connectors and coax to the latest radios will be on display. This your chance to see the stuff of hams.

For more information check out their website at Hamcation
This site contains a link to the official site. If you haven’t already purchased your ticket, price at the gate for all three days is $17. Parking is free.

Thursday Night Net

The log for Thursday night net 1/31/2019 submitted by Robert Young

K8TPH Dick
KN4PVO Jesse
K1DU Fred
WZ1P Dan
AB4KA Jimmy  “Has a High Gain 4band trapped vertical  antenna for sale $50.00”  Check the blog.
K4LKM Dave
KM4PYG Warren
KB0QMN George

Robert Young

Starting Wednesday at 11:00 AM Rag Chew Two

We are trying something new.
Well, sorta new. Bill Paul volunteered to head up a rag chew on our club’s repeater, Wednesdays starting at 11:00 AM. The time and day may change at his discretion. This is a great opportunity for all hams, but especially those new to amateur radio. Bill will focus on good radio technique.

Some of you may remember the club’s original 2 at 2 rag chew that was headed up by Charley Gribble several years ago. Charley is alive and well and hopefully will join in on the fun as Bill takes up the reigns on Wednesdays.

So what is a rag chew anyway?
Here is one definition. A rag chew is a long informal conversation between two or more amateur radio operators. This is generally what amateur radio operators do on the radio when they’re not contesting, testing equipment, bouncing signals off the moon or meteor showers, providing communications in national emergencies, sending still or moving pictures or text back and forth, connecting to packet radio networks, and partaking in nets.

Show And Tell

“Show and tells” were discussed at length at the last board meeting. Everyone agreed that they are worthwhile, especially for new hams. They have a place at our monthly meetings. The question is not if, but when. In fairness to the main speaker, it was decided that show and tells take place during the coffee hour prior to the formal meting. The club will set up a table in the back of the meeting room each month for anyone who has something to show or demonstrate. So, if you have something to show and tell about, set it up on the provided table, grab a coffee and cookie, get behind the table, and be prepared to answer all the questions about that spiral antenna or flux capacitor you brought to the meeting.

Sharon Ann Kohler Wilkinson Passes

Obituary for Sharon Ann Kohler Wilkinson,  
     Wife of W4GFW,  GLEN WILKINSON, member of ZAARC
May 25 1948 to January 16 2019
This is one of the hardest things that I have ever done, to write the life of my Wife.
Sharon was diagnosed with leukemia on December 2nd 2016. through the whole
treatment process she kept a positive and happy attitude. As time went by she would
talk about the things that we could do, and the places we could go. Always looking
toward a cancer free life and life as was before.. this last year has been hard on her
health and she had to spend many days in the Moffitt Cancer center to bring her
back in line with normal life. Treatments seemed to slow down and more time in
hospital was needed to again bring her back to feeling good.
Sharon and I talked about life and what would happen when there would be a time
that our time together would end. Sharon wanted to be part of a medical study for
advancement in Leukemia research. She hoped that her contribution to this
research would lead to a cure for CML leukemia.
After 50 years of life together I have had to say good bye to my partner, my love,
my wife. When you read this please hug your partners and be thankful for the time
you have together. Sharon found a message that she loved and she wanted all of you